Necessary materials (pen, pencil, notebook, text/workbook)
What side of the hall do you walk on?
Are you allowed to stand up while on the bus while it is moving?
If a mess is left at your lunch table, what should you do?
Clean it up
What does the S stand for?
Strive to Persevere
If you are owning your actions in the classroom, how are you entering the room?
What voice level should be used in the hallway?
Level 1 or 0
What can you earn from the bus driver for following the expectations on the bus?
Positive Bus Referral
True or False
I can sit anywhere and go to any line I want to in the cafeteria.
Your teacher will direct you to which line to stand in and you have an assigned table.
What does the O stand for?
Own Your/Their Actions
True or False
The school wide expectation for using the bathroom is anyone can use the bathroom during the first 10 minutes and the last 10 minutes.
Student are not permitted to use the restroom during the first or last 10 minutes of class.
What must always be kept to yourself when walking in the hallway?
Hands, Feet, and other objects
What should you do if someone is bothering you on the bus?
Tell your bus driver and your administrator when you get to school.
What are you supposed to do with food before leaving the cafeteria?
Throw it away. No food is permitted outside of the cafeteria.
What does the A stand for?
Always Work Together
Are students allowed to use the restroom during CCCR?
The school-wide expectation is that all students are in the classroom during CCCR. No students should be outside of the classroom during that time.
When walking in the hallway during the class period, what must you have with you?
The hall pass.
What happens if you do not serve silent lunch?
(Answers may vary. Use teacher discretion)
What does the R stand for?
Respect Themselves & Others
List the hand signals that are used in the classroom (there are 7)
2. Restroom
3. Leave Seat
4. Question
5. Time Out
6. Check (your/a peers behavior)
7. Foul
True or False:
When transitioning from related arts, I can walk with my friends, even if they are in a different class?
You are expected to transition back to your hallway with your class in a single file line, on the right side of the hall.
When are you allowed to get up during an assembly?
How should you exit the cafeteria?
Walk in line with my class.
Throw away all trash.
Be at a level 1 or 0.
Walk on the right side of the hall when transitioning.
What are the 4 rules that apply to all areas of the school according to the Matrix?
1. Stay Away From Negative Behaviors
2. Follow Directions & Procedures
3. Effort
4. Cell Phones Off & Away