Nerd Stuff
Pop Culture
Surprise Me!

What did Matt & Pete have to do for their last Execuwonk challenge?

Dress up as Bert and Ernie


A study in 2014 found that red deer do not cross the border between Czech Republic and Germany even after 34 years of this event. 

ID event/geo

Iron Curtain


Warnock's interpreter for three-dimensional graphics evolved to become PostScript because Steve Jobs wanted a primary language for consumer focused laser printers. Which company, named after a creek in Los Altos, are we talking about? 



This show's origin story is Johnny Carson's desire for more vacation days and made its television debut on October 11, 1975

Saturday Night Live


Contrary to popular belief, the ______ in this cocktail's name only refers to the vodka used in the recipe. The precursor drink had coffee liqueur/kahlua and vodka. This new ingredient added changed the color and hence the name. 

Give me the name of the drink which features in memes and statements from a 1990s cult classic movie

White Russian


I'm the "not so popular" cousin of Josie and Ruxie who manages hunt sessions



The Navy lobbied that X be painted in blue and yellow stripes to increase visibility. When the steel for this arrived, it was painted in a burnt red hue as primer and the architect decided to retain this as it was highly visible and pleasing to the eye. X's color is officially called international orange. 


Golden Gate Bridge


The origins of this practise can be traced back to a paper from 1856 in which scientists defined Weber's constant. Over the years, the practise became standard as it was picked up by Planck and Einstein. 

It could be traced to its root word in Latin "celeritas"

Using the letter "c" to denote the speed of light


The Scaptia ____, is a horsefly species from Australia. Scientis Bryan Lessard said it was "the unique dense golden hair on the fly's abdomen that led me to name this fly in honor of this star singer/performer from the US

ID the singer/performer



Dr. Todd discovered that several of his patients experiencing migraines had a disproportionate perception of objects and their own bodies. This also altered their sense of time and touch. 

What is Todd's Syndrome more popularly known as?

Alice in Wonderland syndrome


Greg Notch worked for this organization before coming to Expel



The Japanese government has recognized 650,000 people as hibakusha and 165 people as niju hibakusha. They are entitled to government support and receive allowance per month. Who are they?

People affected by the nuclear bombs


This inventor's patents include gas meter, detonator, blasting cap and many modern smokeless explosives. He is also the owner of Bofors and the founder of chemical and weapons company ___ ____. Who are we talking about?

Alfred Nobel


X didn't become a "Time Lord" until 1969. The term itself wasn't actually used until the sixth season of the series in the episode "The War Games". His home planet of Gallifrey wasn't mentioned by name until 1973. 


Doctor Who


This 10 hour movie was a protest against BBFC who can censor/ban movies. Charlie Lyne tells "The criteria to censor/ban is vague and done on the justification that there's a potential for harm". Lyne also says "not much" happens in this movie. This movie has an 8.9 IMDB rating. 

ID X or what happens in the movie?

Watching paint dry


This sea has been known by a number of alternative names throughout human history. In the Old Testament, this was on the west coast of the Holy Land and was often called Hinder Sea or Sea of the Phillistines. 

What are we referring to, whose current name means "middle of land"? 

Mediterranean Sea