This small and silent event marked the beginning of the natural world.
What was the Big Bang?
A standard US phone number consists of this many digits.
What is 10?
This John is married to Emily Blunt, not Pam Beasley.
Who is John Krasinski?
Under this act, the United States gave wartime supplies to allied nations in WWII.
What is the Lend Lease Act?
According to the proverb, Rome wasn't built in this amount of time.
What is a day?
The American colonies began their formal pursuit for independence in this year.
What is 1776?
The circumference of a circle divided by a diameter will give this number (just the first three digits will do).
What is 3.14?
This John killed Abraham Lincoln.
Who was John Wilkes Booth?
The Intolerable Acts, as they were called by the American colonists, were actually named this.
What are the Coercive Acts?
This famous Roman is credited with saying, "veni, vidi, vici."
Who was Julius Caesar?
It's a bird! It's a plane! Nope, it's the first episode of a show.
What is the pilot?
Physicists cringe when engineers round g to 10, instead of using this more accurate two digit number.
What is 9.8?
You can't see him!
Who is John Cena?
Passed in the wake of 9/11, this act gave the government broad and unprecedented surveillance powers. Fun fact: it was passed so quickly that most congressmen hadn't even read it.
What is the PATRIOT act?
Due to his unification efforts, this man is often credited as the founder of the Kingdom of Italy.
Who is Giuseppe Garibaldi?
It begins with: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
What is "A Tale of Two Cities"?
Of the following numbers: 97, 23, 51, 59, and 67, this one is the only non-prime number in the list.
What is 51? 17x3=51
This John became famous when he used a lifejacket strap between his teeth to swim a shipmate to safety after they were hit by a Japanese ship.
Who was John F Kennedy?
Marty Robbins' song "160 acres" is a reference to this act passed in 1862 which allowed people to claim 160 acres of land, provided they farmed it.
What was the Homestead Act?
Roman emperors had many jobs, one of which was being the head of the pagan church with this job title.
What is pontifex maximus?
It begins with: "The Salinas Valley is a long narrow swale between two ranges of mountains"
What is "East of Eden"?
These are the first 7 digits of the Fibonacci sequence.
What are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.
When this John died while flying his plane solo, state flags across Colorado were ordered to half mast.
Who was John Denver?
This was the first act passed by Congress.
What is the Oath Act?
Vatican City was established as an independent entity from Italy in an agreement reached between the Holy See and this famous Italian.
Who was Benito Mussolini?