The End of the War and the Origins of the Cold War
The Homefront
The War
The Great Depression and the New Deal
Describe the different causes of the Cold War. (change the question)
The political situation was unstable (in China, Middle East, Central Europe, etc.) there was a big opportunity to take control of these countries. It also seemed as though Democracy and Communism were not going together. The "old" powers were starting to fall and the United States and the Soviet Union.
What did World War ll do or the women on the homefront?
While the men were fighting the women had to take over their jobs since there wasn't any people to work the factories. For women, this was a big change and caused them to really see that their only "duty" in life wasn't just on the house. The women saw that they could have a career outside the house.
How exactly did the homefront contribute to the victory in World war ll?
They were united. The women were working in factories and doing jobs that the men were mainly "assigned" to. People were buying bonds, which was a way to get money for the war effort. People were also donating metal, for tanks and guns and ammunition. At the time there was a rationing of goods like gasoline and suar.
How could the Great Depression have been prevented?
The stock market crash was not the whole trigger for the Great Depression. Though the crash has caused major panic, it was the run on banks afterward that might have caused the Great Depression. Maybe if a strong president had been in power at the time and maybe if they had declared a bank holiday (like a smart person) in order for the market to settle down and for the banks to have time to get themselves in order, it would have halted the "run" and might have given some people time to stop panicking.
Contrast both World War l and World War ll.
World War ll had much heavier casualties than World War l, because of a combination of bombings, genocide, etc. There was also a lower percentage of soldier casualties than in World War l, mainly because World War ll had more advances than World War l had.
Was the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki necessary to ending the war? Why or why not?
It wasn't totally necessary for President Truman to bomb Japan, but he was thinking of the greater good of America. Or at least what he thought was the greater good (but we won't get into that now). Considering all things the alternative much have been a whole lot worse for America and their Allies. Truman would have had to invade Japan and the war would have lasted for a while longer and cost us many of our men.
In what ways was could World War ll have been prevented? Explain.
Maybe if the League of Nations was stronger it might have been able to stop the Japanese. One of the main reasons for the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was because of Roosevelt's Administration and its importing and exporting. The Roosevelt Administration didn't want to be associated with Japan because Japan was invading the French, who was our ally.
Describe the differences between Hoover's and Roosevelt's approach in dealing with the Great Depression.
Hoover was very Laissez-faire "type" of person. He did NOT want to american people to be "spoiled" (of sorts) by just hanging them federal aid. FDR had supported the three R's (reform, recovery, and relief) very highly. He was the "type" of person who was all for giving people direct federal aid.
Explain why propaganda was so important to persuade the audience during World War ll.
By using propaganda people could "join" the war effort, without actually being in actual combat. Propaganda could ensure that people's views were in the "right" places. It made the war justifiable, and put the idea that America could win the war into the people's head. It gave them drive and a reason to do what they thought they needed to do.
Describe what you think the conditions of Europe were like after World War ll?
After World War ll, many people were dead and cities were destroyed. The economy was collapsing, it was hard for people to get ahold of food, clean water, clothes, etc., the unemployment rates were very higher (maybe higher than they have ever been). It was hard to get the reconstruction back.
Contrast both World War l and World War ll.
World War ll had much heavier casualties than World War l, because of a combination of bombings, genocide, etc. There was also a lower percentage of soldier casualties than in World War l, mainly because World War ll had more advances than World War l had.
Give some examples of the New Deal's effects on American culture. Explain.
The first daytime dramas, better known as Soap Operas, had shown itself during this time. Movies had started to become a way for people to escape from their hardships. The WPA (Work Progress Administration) gave funds to artists (musicians, writers, etc.) who were unemployed. The WPA also created the Federal Music, Art, Writers' and Theater Project.
What was President Roosevelt's main response to the bombing of Pearl Harbor?
President Roosevelt 's main response was that he declared war on Japan. As well as sending all the Japanese-Americans (living on the West coast) to internment camps. They were to stay at these camps until the end of the war.
Give some examples of Political problems within the New Deal.
The New Deal made people dependent on the federal government. Social Security "penalized" successful, hard working people, others saw Social Security numbers as a way toward a militaristic society. The New Deal had only limited success in eliminating poverty.
Could Germany have won World War ll? How? What mistakes did they make?
Germany could have won World War ll. It is very possible but they made many mistakes, the major one being when Germany had betrayed the Russians by invading them. This invasion went by the name of Operation Barbarossa. The Germans had put up a front, so that they were waging war on all sides. If Germany didn't invade Russia, Germany could have just focused all of it's "energy" on England, which was the only country left in Europe that hated Germany. The point is if Germany had not invaded Russia in Operation Barbarossa, they might have won WW2.
In what ways was the Election of 1932 a turning point in the Great Depression?
The Election of 1932 was a historical battle between those who solely believed that Federal Government should not interfere with the problems of the people, and those who thought that the Depression was too great of the problem that the government's help was required. Hoover, of course, took the Democratic side of things, he was all Laissez-Faire. But in the end FDR had won the Presidency race, this proved that the people wanted a President who was all for using the government as a way out of the Depression.