Note Taking Tips
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Note Taking Styles

This future year will be the BEST SUMMER SESSION EVER with the help of our esteemed committee

What is 2031?


A method to process an article where you survey, create questions, read, recite and review

What is SQ3R?


8-10 hours

How much sleep do you need every day?

From the PBS short on why we sleep


Her favorite food is strawberries, she has cats, and she likes to swim

He plays the harmonica, likes pizza, and enjoys playing rhythm games

Who are Sadie and Jackson?


In this method, you write down every new thought or idea on a separate line.  Leave space in between to add thoughts that relate to each other.

What is the sentence method?


This is one COOL change that the residential life committee proposed.

What is air conditioning?


The main topic and the date

What should you always put on the top of your notes?


10 MPH

What is the maximum speed of the MAS (Mayflower Autonomous Ship?)

From June 22nd News for Kids Article  


His favorite food is pizza, he is from Atlanta, and he has a little brother

He is from Connecticut and is known as Vector

Who are Jameson and Fritz?


This method is good for a well-organized lecture.  The notes are organized in a hierarchy of points, often numbered.

What is the outlining method?


Two recommendations from the Academics committee that will improve the courses for summer session

What is more variety in courses and separating courses into specialized subtopics?


An acronym for a note taking approach where you process what you Know, Want to know, and what you Learned

What is a K W L chart?


A proposal by Hiroyuki Komatsu (Google engineer) to add icons for restaurants and food package designers.

What are emojis used for food allergens?

From May 14, 2021 Smithsonian magazine article


His favorite drink is Sprite, he does not like scratching sounds, and he plays basketball

He played guitar for 8 years, likes pizza, and is from Texas

Who are TJ and Tate?


A 2 column method that focuses on main questions, key ideas, and summarizing at the bottom of the notes

What is the Cornell Note Taking Method?


Three items that the Dining Services team hopes to see more of on the menu

What are Uncrustables, Binner, and more sauce for chicken?


Symbols, abbreviations, colors, acronyms, short hand

What are some ways to customize your notes and make sense of them?


They play the special songs of the world's biggest mammals

What are backpacks specially designed to help the deaf feel the vibrations of whale songs?

From the Smithsonian Magazine article


Her favorite food is fish, she loves the pool, and she has one sibling

Her favorite place is the Eiffel tower, she has 4 siblings, and loves French Fries.

Who are Nicole and Naomi?


In this method, you set up columns and put appropriate headings above the columns that pertain to your subject

What is the Charting Method?


4 activities the Activities committee proposes we have

What are football, boxing, video games, dodgeball, and playing on the playground?


An approach where you restate a word or phrase so that it makes sense to you, and so that it is easier later to translate into research

What is paraphrasing?


She revolutionized the field of primatology

Who is Jane Goodall?

From Smithsonian magazine article February 21, 2020


He has one cat and one dog, his favorite food is crepes, and he is from Vermont

He has eaten oxtail, plays guitar, and likes soccer

Who are Ethan and Owen?


In this method, you do a graphic organizer of your thoughts with the main topic in the center

What is the mapping method?