The small brain-looking thing behind most of the brain
What is the cerebellum?
Controls executive function and voluntary movement.
What is the frontal lobe?
Receives information or electrical signals.
What do dendrites do?
Front of the brain.
Where is the Frontal lobe?
Maintains homeostasis and hormones.
What is the Hypothalmus?
Sends signals, and is made up of axons.
What is white matter?
Sends the electrical signal down the line.
Back of the brain, above the cerebellum.
Where is the occipital lobe?
What does the thalmus do?
What is the temporal lobe?
The cell body of a neuron.
What is the Stoma?
Behind the frontal lobe, ontop of the brain.
Where is the parietal lobe?
Processes sensory information like touch.
What is the Parietal lobe?
Receives signals, is on the outside of the brain.
What is grey matter?
Carries the signal through the neuron.
What do axons do?
Behind the frontal lobe, under most of the brain.
Where is the temporal lobe?
Supports, nourishes, and protects neurons.
What do glial cells do?
Part of the brain that controls the heart and lungs, (not brain stem).
What is the Medulla?
Protects the axon.
What is the myelin sheath?
In between the left and right hemispheres.
Where is the Corpus Callosum?