A. The Homestead Act, Land Grants for Settlement, Reunification and Expansion B. The Pacific Railroad Act, Land Grants for Transcontinental Railroad Development C. The Land Grant College Act, Land Grants for funding of State Run Higher Education
What is Blue Print for Modern America.
A. Managing Time B. Managing Personnel C. Managing Assets
What is The Railroads
1. The Studies Business Plan 2. Transparent Book Keeping 3. Morgan Invested Money from His Own Resources
What is Morgan’s Means to Finance Growth and Mergers
A. The New Sources for Immigrants B. The Three Purposes for Ethnic Communities C. The Population Shortage for Industry and the Need to Incorporate New
What is The New Immigrants
A. Dewey and the New Public Education System Model B. Women in Higher Education C. The New Majors in Colleges and Universities
What is The New Educational Systems
A. The Near Even Split of Republican and Democrat Political Power B. The Three Major Issues C. The Lack Of Dynamic Leadership
What is The Politics of Stagnation.
1. The Need for Control and Safety 2. The Vast Scope of Distance 3. The Issue of Time and the Creation of Time Zones
What is Managing Time.
A. The Percent Growth In Population B. The Need to Layout the New Urban Cityscape C. Providing for the Needs of Industry and People
What is The Growth of Industrial Cities
1. Provide Immediate Survival Assistance 2. A Place to Learn How to Adapt and Adopt 3. A Place of Social and Cultural Comfort
What is The Three Purposes for Ethnic Communities
1. To Educate for Basic Knowledge 2. To Provide a Useful Skill 3. To Serve as a Cradle of Democracy
What is Dewey and the New Public Education System Model
1. The Split Along Sectional Lines 2. The Split Along Machine Politics Lines 3. The Importance of the Swing States
What is The Near Even Split of Republican and Democrat Political Power
1. Delegating Authority to run trains, the Conductor 2. Managing Personnel beyond the Voice and Sight of Supervisors 3. Use of the Telegraph to Control Trains, Freight and Personnel and increase
What is Managing Personnel
1. From 10% to 33% of the Nation’s Population in 35 Years 2. The Shift from Native to Immigrant Populations for Cities 3. The Means to House New Populations, the Dumb Bell Tenement and the
What is The Percent Growth In Population
A. Opportunities for Economic and Social Advancement and Selection B. Diverse forms of Entertainment C. The Extended Opportunities for Education
What is The Lure of the Cities
1. From the Freeman’s Bureau to College 2. From Miniscule to 40% of the Undergraduate Population 3. The New Cadre of Doctors, Lawyers and Leaders for Women
What is Women in Higher Education
1. The Interstate Commerce Act 2. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act 3. The Pendleton Civil Service Act
What is The Three Major Issues
1. Scheduling Maintenance for Rolling Stock, Track, Bridges, and Depots 2. Creating Confidence in Pickup and Delivery Schedules for Consumers 3. The Willingness to Embrace New Methods, Equipment and Engineering
What is Managing Assets
1. Growing Out From the Factories 2. The Need for Organized Traffic Ways 3. Creating the Grid Cities
What is The Need to Layout the New Urban Cityscape
1. Beer and Dance Halls 2. Vaudeville and the Stage Shows 3. Professional Sports as Entertainment
What is Diverse forms of Entertainment
1. The Need for Experts 2. Creation of Specialization in Colleges to Meet the Need 3. The New Middle Class of College Educated Professionals
What is The New Majors in Colleges and Universities
1. The Interchangeable Candidates 2. The Perceived Need to Lead From the Center 3. The Failure of Political Will to Challenge Issues
What is The Lack Of Dynamic Leadership
A. Rockefeller Creates the Single Corporate Headquarters Structure B. Morgan’s Means to Finance Growth and Mergers C. Edison and the Marketing of Genius D. Carnegie, The Best Employer of Technology, Management and Scale
What is The Fathers of United States Industry
1. Housing the New Populations 2. Water, Streets, Sewage, the Immediate Needs 3. Police, Fire Departments and Public Education; the Demanded Needs
What is Providing for the Needs of Industry and People
1. The New State Colleges and Universities 2. Libraries and Museums 3. Opera and Art Galleries
What is The Extended Opportunities for Education
A. Church Life Control of the Rural South B. The Limits of Economic Growth in the South C. Enforcing Racism with Legal Structures