Colonial Occupations
The Great Lakes
West Coast Exploration
Historic Boston
Revolution Begins

his job crafted household items like forks, spoons, and serving trays with a soft metal. John Coney and Paul Revere, Jr. both worked at this job.

What is a silversmith?


The Great Lakes account for 20 percent of this in the world.

What is freshwater?


The country that explored the west coast of America in what is now called California.

Who is Spain?


Boston citizens condemned being taxed without having this.

What is representation?


The man chosen by the Second Continental Congress to be the commander in chief of the Continental Army.

Who is George Washington?


How did teamsters transport goods from town to town?

What is with a wagon and a team of horses?


The largest and deepest Great Lake.

What is Lake Superior?


Northwest Coast nations made these items to tell stories and record history. When a family completed one, a potlatch was often held.

What is a totem pole?


The reason the British Parliament passed the Sugar Act, Currency Act, and Stamp Act forcing American colonists to pay so much money in taxes.

What is debt from the French and Indian war?


On April 18, 1775, the first shots of the American Revolutionary War were fired near these Massachusetts cities.

What are Lexington & Concord?


Gaffers is another name for those who crafted bottles and vases from heated silica.

What is a glassblower?


This lake's name comes from the confederation of nations who lived nearby. It is the second largest of the Great Lakes in area and is connected to Lake Superior by the St. Mary's River.

What is Lake Huron?


Vitus Bering explored much of present-day Alaska for this country.

What is Russia?


The Proclamation of 1763 stated that Americans could not settle beyond this geographical landmark.

What is the Appalachian Mountain range?


What group met in Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia in 1774?

What is the First Continental Congress?


This person worked with a craftsman who provided them room and board, training, and instruction in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Who is an apprentice?


Samuel de Champlain explored this lake in 1615. The lake is connected to Lake Erie by the Niagara River.

What is Lake Ontario?


The Franciscan friar who founded 9 Spanish missions in Alto California.

Who is Junipero Serra?


The event that occurred in Boston in which 5 Americans died including Crispus Attucks, and 8 were wounded at the hands of British soldiers.

What is the Boston Massacre?


True or False: The Second Continental Congress attempted to work for peace between Great Britain and the colonies which King George rejected.

What is true?


This was one of the most important jobs in colonial America because farmers, merchants, and other craftsmen needed their skills to repair tools and make parts for their own products.

Who are blacksmiths?


Names of the five Great Lakes.

What are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario?


The British explorer first to cross the Antarctic Circle as well as the Oregon coast and Alaska in 1778.

Who is Captain James Cook?


This event occurred on December 16, 1773, when the Sons of Liberty dumped 342 chests of British tea into Boston Harbor.

What is the Boston Tea Party?

The person who rode through the countryside warning colonial militiamen that the British soldiers were coming.

Who is Paul Revere?