Philip Malloy
Mr. Malloy
Ms. Narwin
Had issues with the first book Miss Narwin assigned.
What is Call of the Wild
The area Mr. Malloy is having the most troubles with in his life...
What is his job.
Who is Miss Narwin writing her problems to?
What is her sister Anita.
What is voice in a novel.
What is said and how it is said by the character's. It's also the author's way of incorporating himself into their writing.
Had a crush on this girl.
What is Allison Dorsett
The name of Mr. Malloy's boss...
What is Dexter.
How did she feel about Philip Malloy at the beginning of the novel.
What is frustrated by his defiance.
How does point of view effect the reader?
What is it allows the reader to see how the character's view situations that happen in the book.
Said he was reader and told his parents he was reading...
What is The Outsiders
How does Mr. Malloy feel Philip should react to what's happening to him.
What is stand up for his rights.
How does Miss Narwin feel about suspension.
What is she feels it's a last resort and shouldn't be used.
The definition of point of view.
What is how the author helps us to see what’s happening in the story according to the characters.
Started humming the national anthem for this purpose...
What is to annoy Miss Narwin
Mr. Malloy decides to take it to Ted Griffen for what purpose?
What is Mr. Griffen is trying to be on the school board and might be able to do something.
How does Miss Narwin truly feel about Philip Malloy?
What is he's a nice kid who may be having issues at home.
Why is voice so important within a novel...
What is it allows the reader to truly know the character's without the author bluntly telling us facts.
After meeting with Ted Griffen and the reporter, Philip started to feel...
What is not so great about his lying, but maybe still in the right...
Why is what's happening to Philip becoming such a big deal to Mr. Malloy.
What is the fact that he feels Philip's rights are being ignored. He's reacting to stress he's feeling at work and at home.
How does Miss Narwin intend to deal with Philip Malloy after he gets back?
What is she intends to have a "heart-to-heart."
What kind of writing usually does not have any voice?
What is AIMS, Text Books, and directions.