Removes stitches with a ball and point, using the blade in the crotch.
What is a Seam Ripper
Can measure around curved surfaces.
What is a Flexible Measuring Tape
I may be physically similar to my cousin, the Crayola artist. But we are NOT related! I'm for fabric.
Chalk Pencil
My eye is closest to my sharp point - and I am part of something much bigger.
What is a machine needle
Floss the thread through me to coat it in a protective layer.
What is Beeswax
My zig zag blades keep fabric from fraying
What are Pinking Shears?
I am a half of a half inch.
what is a fourth inch
I work with my paper friend to mark lines or patterns onto your fabric.
what is a tracing wheel
My eye is on the opposite end from my sharp point! The original version some may say :)
what is a hand needle
I help close things up, a detail that sometimes falls off. There is a special way to sew me, and I come with holes.... sometimes not though... I'm tricky :)
what are buttons?
My trademark are my asymmetrical handles
I am the decimal .75 inch, but I'm looking for my fraction form.
what is 3/4 of an inch
I have that super cool self-sheathing feature that protects you AND your work from my sharp point!
What is a safety pin
No shame in using me if the thread won't go through! If you're struggling, I help make this process easier. My wire loop is sturdier than your flimsy thread anyway.
what is a needle threader
I have two things that work together, sometimes like a pirate missing a hand or in need of a patch.
What are hooks and eyes
I have symmetrical handles and tend to be smaller and sharper
I am equal to 3 feet, or 36 inches.
Squares, triangles, stars, and circles - my shape doesn't matter as much as my use which is to mark your fabric like a true professional
Give credit to the other notions, but I am the real hero - the only notion that actually holds the stitch together!
what is thread
TomAto, tomatO - My shape isn't as important as my job, which is keeping your sharp, pointy mess a little more tidy
what is a pin cushion
a round blade - not too different from a pizza cutter. But use me on Pizza and Ms. Glover will kick you out of class :)
what is a rotary cutter?
I am used to measure seam allowance both before AND after it is sewn.
What is a seam gauge
I need my buddy - a small wheel - to help me make lines and marks on your fabric.
what is tracing paper
I'm not a finger helmet exactly - but that would be a pretty cool name instead!
what is a thimble
I am a nifty pull up / pull down tool with teeth that close things up and open them again. Fun fact - I wasn't invented until the 1930s!