How much does a Hot Lunch cost?
What is sent home to the parents on Wednesday?
Mail to your parents.
Before 8:20 go straight to gym or hang out in the Bridges hallway and bathroom.
Go straight to the Gym.
How much do Brownies cost at our Bake Sale
.50 cents
If you are buying hot lunch. Who do you tell or sign up for it?
Tell the teacher and sign in on RenWeb.
When is a good time to take care of your personal Business of using the restroom.
Let the teacher know in between classes.
In school, it is always important to?
Try your best.
How much does milk cost?
.50 cents
It is ok to bring soda in your lunch?
No, please drink water.
What should yout take home on Friday to show your parent.
Project Career or time card sheet.
What does the parent need to do with the timecard.
Review it and sign it.
When should you return time card.
By monday.
If you are standing at the back entrance to go to work and a visitor comes up to the door and wants in, What should you do?
Ignore and let them office unlock the door to let them in.
What do you do during a fire drill?
Quietly leave the room, walk to the Allen Street door, walk on the sidewalk to the school parking lot.
How do you show respect to your classmates.
Show Raise had to speak.
Name a table manner.
Put your napkin in your lap.
what is Spirit Day dress?
Notre Dame T-shirt or Special Olympic shirt with blue jeans.
Can you wear shorts all year round.
No shorts after Labor day.
Where should iPhones be placed during the school day>
Turned off and kept in your backpack.
Is it ok to bring cookies or small cupcakes to celebrate your birthday?
Yes, if you bring enough for the entire department.