you use it to write your notes in class.
Paper or Notebook
A room used for take a bath.
Who you can meet in the neighborhood
For example: mailma, fireman, mechanic, librarian
This fruit has a peel and turn brown if you don't eat it within a few days.
How do you start of sentences?
The first letter is always capitalized.
People use it to clean the board or remove something they wrote wrong on their paper
A room that is used for sleeping
Jobs that treat patients and work in hospitals.
What are nouns?
Words that name people, animals,places,or things.
How do you end the sentence?
With a punctuation.
Can be made of wood or plastic. People use it for sitting.
A room that is used to relax with family, watch television or visit with friends.
Living room
Name two places in your neighborhood.
Park, library
What are possessive Nouns?
Some nouns show that one person or one animal owns or has something. These nouns called possessive nouns. They end in 's.
What is the punctuation for " I am for asking"?
? Question mark
It's used to write and contain ink.
A room used for cooking.
Give a sentence about your house.
My house is quiet.
What are proper nouns?
Proper nouns are specific people, places, and things.
What is the punctuation for " I am for yelling"?
!- exclamation mark
A thick book used to look up vocabulary meanings.
A place outside the house where fruits and vegetable are grown.
What do you do in the library?
Read or borrow books.
Proper nouns are capitalized. Are names proper nouns.
Yes. For example your name.
What is the punctuation for " I am for telling"?