""Last summer, jennifer traveled to new york and visited the statue of liberty." " List all proper nouns.
What is Jennifer, New York, Statue of Liberty
What noun is uncountable in the following sentence:
She offered us some advice.
What is advice
"Lucy and Jenny love to eat strawberries and milkshakes." What are the concrete nouns in this sentence?
What is Lucy, Jenny, strawberries and milkshakes
Find the collective nouns? This student liked how the bouquet of flowers smelled.
What is bouquet
The girl showed pride in her work. Identify the abstract noun(s).
What is pride
Jeff wanted to go to the park with his friend Mike, but his mom said no. How many common nouns are there in this sentence and what are they?
What is three ; park, friend, mom
What noun is uncountable in the following sentence:
There are several pieces of luggage in the airport.
What is luggage
The little boy ran across the baseball field, skipped along the sidewalk, and stopped by the store to pick up some blueberries. What are the concrete nouns?
What is boy, field, sidewalk, store, blueberries
Lucy gave the litter of kittens a jar of cookies to eat.
What is litter, jar?
Love and hatred are the opposite of each other. What is (are) the abstract noun(s)?
What is love and hatred
The teacher spent many days teaching about the moon and the stars. What are the common nouns?
What is teacher, days, moon, stars
What noun is countable in the following sentence:
Add two cups of flour and a teaspoon of salt.
What is teaspoon;cups
Which word is a abstract noun? 1. ice cream 2. kindergarten 3. headache 4. hammer
What is headache
The pack wolves were chased by the swarm of bees. The school of fish swam under the water to escape.
What are pack, swarm, school?
A trait that all dogs show is loyalty What is (are) the abstract noun(s)?
What is loyalty
The recipe called for ingredients like sugar, flour, and cocoa powder. What is the proper noun?
What nouns are countable in the following sentence:
The teacher gave us many exercises to do.
What is teacher; exercises
She lost her bag and her book on the field. What are the concrete nouns?
What is bag, book, field
The teacher gave the class a bunch of grapes, and deck of cards to relax in recess time.
What is bunch, class, deck?
Change these singular nouns to collective nouns: ant, ship, whale
What is colony, fleet, pod
Identify the proper nouns below. The novel was set in london, where the protagonist explored the british museum.
What is London, British Museum
What noun is uncountable in the following sentence:
The researcher collected a great deal of data to analyze.
What is data
The whole idea started with a parent who wanted to do a fundraiser for the snowboarding team at Nevada Union. What is the abstract noun?
What is idea
Name five collective nouns
What is _______________
Fix the following sentence to ensure all common nouns are lower-cased and all proper nouns are upper-cased:
The city of rome is known for its rich history, including landmarks such as the colosseum and the vatican.
What is "The city of Rome is know for its rich history, including landmarks such as the Colosseum and the Vatican."