Nouns and Pronouns
Types of nouns
Types of pronouns

What is a noun?

A name of a person,place,or thing


Identify the nouns in the sentence. The boy went to the store with his friends.

Boy and store.

What is a pronoun?
A word that replaces a noun.
What type of noun is the noun success used in the sentence? Great success comes with hard work.
Abstract noun

What type of pronoun is the pronoun she used in the sentence? Anna can sing and dance. She is very talented

personal pronoun.

What are the nouns in the sentence? The bird flew back to its chicks because they were crying for her.
Bird and chicks.
How are nouns and pronouns different.
A noun is a person, place, or thing and a pronoun replaces a noun.

Give an example of personal pronoun

I, you, he, she, it, we they, me, him, her, us, and them

What type of noun is the noun crowd in the sentence? A large crowd stood on the platform.
collective noun.

What type of pronoun is the pronoun mine used in the sentence? The present I got for Christmas is mine.

Possessive pronoun.

What are all the nouns in the sentence. George Washington was the first president and also he signed the Declaration of independence.
The nouns are George Washington,president,and Declaration of Independence.

Identify the pronoun in the sentence. Bob went to feed his chickens, but a fox killed two of them.

His, them


Identify the pronoun in the sentence. Bob and George went fishing together but they didn't catch anything.

The pronoun is they.

What type of noun is the noun swarm used in the sentence? Watch for that swarm of bees, they hurt when they sting you.
Collective noun.

Fine the pronoun in the sentence and say what kind of pronoun it is. Jim got himself a new model rocket.

The pronoun is Himself, and it is a reflexive pronoun.

Name all of the nouns in the sentence. Everyone in the class passed the vocabulary test and the teacher was happy.
The nouns are class,vocabulary,test,and teacher.

Name the pronouns and its antecedents. Fred went to buy groceries, and when he got home he put them away.

Fred and he. Groceries and them.


Identify the pronouns in the sentence. Fred got his wife a gift for Christmas, and she was happy.

The pronouns are his and she


Define a concrete noun.

A concrete noun is a noun that can be identified through one of the five senses (taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell).


Define an interrogative pronoun.

An interrogative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to ask a question.

Find all the nouns in the sentence and say what kind of noun they are. The plane was traveling to Germany but had to stop and refuel along the way.
Plane-Concrete noun Germany-Proper noun

Name all the nouns and pronouns, Since it is leap year Fred will turn five, he is very happy.

Nouns-leap year, Fred 


Find the pronouns and tell what kind of pronouns they are. Mary and her husband went to a museum on their vacation, and they hired a tour guide, he was the best guide they have ever had.
their-personal pronoun they-personal pronoun he-personal pronoun
What are all the types of nouns?
common,proper,concrete,abstract,collective,material,countable,and compound nouns
What are all the types of pronouns?
Personal,demonstrative,interrogative,indefinite,possessive, reciprocal,relative,reflexive,and intensive pronouns.