Singular and Plural Nouns
Combining Sentences
Singular & Plural Possessives
Plural Nouns vs. Plural Possessives
Sentence Fixers
Which of these is a plural noun? A) bear B) winter C) forests
What is C) forests
Which is the correct way to combine these sentences? He likes giraffes. He likes elephants. A) He likes giraffes, but not elephants. B) He likes giraffes and elephants. C) He likes elephants, squirrels, and giraffes.
B) He likes giraffes and elephants.

Which word is a singular possessive? A) parties B) partys' C) party's

What is C) party's

Which of these is a plural noun? A) flowers B) tree C) mother
What is A) flowers.

Which word should be capitalized?

My sister, robin, went with me to the store.

What is B) Robin. Robin is a name.

Which of these words is a plural noun? A) captain B) hour C) sons D) went
What is sons.
Which is the best way to combine these sentences? John likes go-carts. Maddie likes go-carts. A) Johnj likes go-carts, Maddie likes go-carts. B) John likes go-carts; Maddie likes go-carts. C) John and Maddie like go-carts.
What is C) John and Maddie like go-carts.

Which is the singular possessive? A) canyon's B) journals C) dollars

What is A) canyon's


Which one of these words is a plural noun? A) ships B) job's C) building's

What is A) ships

Find the two errors in this sentence.

My dad and i want to go

I - should be capitalized

. - at the end of the sentence


Which words in the sentence are singular nouns? (hint: there are 3) My mom went to the store and bought a cake.

What is mom, store, and cake.

What is the best way to combine these sentences? The car went down the road. The car moved quickly. A) The car went down the road, or it moved quickly. B) The car went down and the car moved quickly. C) The car went down the road and moved quickly.
What is C) The car went down the road and it moved quickly.

Which word is a NOT possessive? A) men's B) horse's C) foxes

What is C) foxes


Which word in this sentence is a singular possessive? The renter's apartment is in a tall building.

What is renter's

Find the misspelled word.

I went two see Santa.

What is to


Which word in the sentence is a plural noun? The girls enjoyed a trip to the beach.

What is girls.

Which is the best way to combine these sentences? Ms. Sweeney works at Christiana Elementary. Ms. Sweeney is a third grade teacher. A) Ms. Sweeney works at Christiana and is a third grade teacher. B) Ms. Sweeney is a third grade Christiana. C) Ms. Sweeney works at third grade Christiana teacher.
What is A) Ms. Sweeney works at Christiana and is a third grade teacher.

What is the singular possessive in this sentence? The cat was the county's cleanest animal.

What is county's


Which is the singular possessive in this sentence? The vegetable's leaves went into the pots.

What is vegetable's


Fix this sentence. There are 3 mistakes.

the reindeers bells are very pretty

The, reindeer's, . after pretty


Which of these words is a plural noun? A) ocean B) Brazil C) worms

What is C) worms

What is the best way to combine these sentences? We drew pictures on the wall. We painted them with bright colors. A) We drew pictures on the wall, but we painted bright colors. B) We painted pictures and drew bright colors on the wall. C) We drew pictures on the wall and painted them with bright colors.
What is C) We drew pictures on the wall and painted them with bright colors.

What is the singular possessive in this sentence? The student's school taught reading and math.

What is student's


Which word in the sentence is a singular possessive and which is the plural noun? The plant's flowers are blooming more today than they were yesterday.

What is plant's and flowers


Which word should not be capitalized?

Mary and Jenn went to the Store to visit Mark.
