Singular or Plural
Subjects and Subject Complements
Objects and Object Complements
Possessive Nouns

Make the following word plural: variety

What is varieties?


What is the subject and subject complement of the sentence? 

The girls are members of the traveling soccer team. 

What is girls for the subject?

What is members for the subject complement. 


Is the italicized word the direct object or indirect object?

We sang funny songs as we strolled the halls.  

What is direct object? 


Change this phrase so that it shows possession. the wig that belonged to the woman

What is the woman's wig?


Make this word plural: country

What is countries?


What is the subject and subject complement of the sentence? 

Mrs. Green is my favorite math teacher at school. 

What is Mrs. Green for the subject. 

What is teacher for the subject complement. 


Is the italicized word the direct object or indirect object? 

I threw the ball for my dog. 

What is the direct object?


How do you make a singular noun show possession?

What is add an 's to the end?


Is this word singular or plural: trout

What is both, because trout is an irregular noun?


Is the italicized word the subject or subject complement? If so, for what noun?  

The new rock band is Seven Penguins.

What is subject complement for the noun band. 


Is the italicized word the direct object or indirect object?

Josh sent his uncle a batch of brownies. 

What is indirect object?


How do you make a plural noun show possession?

What is add an apostrophe after the final -s'?


Is the following noun singular or plural: loaves

What is plural?


Is the italicized word the subject or subject complement? If so, for what noun?  

A raisin was found on the windowsill. 

What is subject. 


Is the italicized word the direct object, indirect object, object complement, or object of a preposition?

He remains the best-known country artist in history

What is object of preposition. 


Make the following phrase show possession: the hats that belonged to the men

What is the men's hat?


Make this word plural: hero

What is heroes?


Is the italicized word the subject or subject complement? If so, for what noun?  

The tart apple was a crisp surprise

What is subject complement for the noun apple?


Is the italicized word the direct object, indirect object, object complement, or object of a preposition?

Eventually it became popular with the general public

What is object of a preposition.


Make this phrase plural: the shoes that belonged to the elves

What is the elves' shoes?