What is your container? Everyone on the team answers
Madeline's dog's name
We discussed ___ vs ___. One is about actions, one is about who you are internally (Friday)
guilt vs shame
The outdoor activity we did to practice focusing your mind elsewhere and being present. (Thursday)
Mindfulness walk
The worksheet that talks about boundaries we all have a right to have (Thursday)
Personal Bill of Rights
We watched part of a show and practiced identifying ________ _________ (Friday)
cognitive distortions / distorted thinking
A coping skill to put away your worries until there is a more appropriate time to face them (Monday)
Container coping skill
The activity to talk about what kinds / levels of relationships you have and want to have (Thursday)
Social Solar System
Shame needs 3 things to thrive
silence, secrecy, judgment
This type of coping can be used after putting away your worries to focus your attention elsewhere (hint: you had a partner for this activity) (Monday)
Distraction techniques, like categories
We talked about the difference between ___ and ___. One is a healthy way to save your worries for later, and one is a form of “running away.” (Monday)
containing and avoiding
Some of the distortions we noticed in the tv show (name 5) (Friday)
filtering, exaggerating, black and white, discounting, judging, mind reading, labeling, forecasting, emotional reasoning (feelings are facts)
How to combat shame (many answer options, name 2)
positive affirmations
ABC worksheets
grounding to stop the spiral
fact checking
identifying levels of responsibility
3 of the journal prompts we explored to talk about what we’re avoiding (Monday)
What are you being dishonest to yourself about? What’s that thing you’re avoiding bringing into the light? Why?
What’s the difference between containing this thing vs avoiding it?
What’s the fear about being honest with yourself about this?
What’s a possible benefit to being honest about this or exploring it deeper?
What steps are you going to take this week to explore this thought more?
The method described in the podcast episode; this method helps motivate you and helps you create a plan for action. It’s especially helpful for those experiencing feelings of depression. (Tuesday)
behavioral activation