Where can we find the Open and Pending cases?
What section to click if we need to find all the information to Authenticate our Users?
Reveal personal Information / Personal Information
Which section we can find the "Threads, Reservations, Related cases and Bugs"?
In which tab to check the status - or either one for the party requested of send a money?
Resolutions Tab
Where Can we find the shourtcut for Nova Knowledge?
Quick links
Which tab select of you want to know the user's location and details?
Overview > Location and details
Which section we can find the admin notes and add admin notes for the cases?
In which tab we should check if refund was issued to the guest?
Payments tab
What information we can find in the Notification page?
Nova knowledge updates
Where can we find the flags left by members of CS or our system?
Suppport > Admin flags
What are the thing we can find in "Solutions tab"? name one.
-- Nova knowledge articles / Help center articles
In which tab to check if there are changes made for the reservation?
Alterations tab
Where can we find your average solves per day (SPD), Survey metrics and Submitted surveys.
On the main page / On the landing page itself
Which tab can we create a new case for our User?
Which section to click if we want to set the case to pending?
More Actions
In which tab we can find the Decline/Cancellation reason of the reservation?
Overview tab
What is the use of Orca party?
Prevent us from being Idle / Enhance our productivity
What information we can find in "More actions"? Name two.
Become a User
Start screen sharing
View publick profile
Notification preferences
Change password
Edit profile
Deactivate User
In the Case composer, How to Switch from Message to Email?
Select the arrow next to the Message option > Select Email from the drop-down
In which section of the reservation page can we confirm or verify the original details of the listing at the time of a guest's booking?