What does Ether 12:6 teach about faith and trials?
Faith comes after the trial of your faith.
What was Ether’s primary message to the people?
Repent and have faith in God.
Which prophet compiled the book of Ether?
Who destroyed the Jaredite nation?
Themselves, through wars and contention.
Fill in the blank: “Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen…” Ether 12:6
“…which are true.”
Name one example of faith shown by the brother of Jared.
He exercised great faith when he asked the Lord to light the stones.
What did Moroni say about weak things becoming strong? Ether 12:27
Through faith, weak things can be made strong
What promise is given to those who repent in Ether 12?
They will be saved by faith.
What trial did the Jaredites face while crossing the sea?
Tempestuous winds and waves.
What does Ether 12:41 invite us to do?
To seek Jesus Christ
What does Ether 12:9 say faith allows people to do?
It allows people to hope for a better world.
What does Ether 12:4 compare faith and hope to?
An anchor to the souls of men, making them sure and steadfast.
What promise does the Lord make to those who diligently seek Him, according to Ether 12:41?
They will receive grace and the ability to lay hold upon every good gift.
How did the brother of Jared show his trust in the Lord when crossing the ocean?
He placed stones in the barges and trusted God to light their way.
According to Ether 12:11, What is needed to preform miracles?
By having faith in Jesus Christ.