pumpkins and apples
What are two things we harvest in fall?
What holiday celebrates the Pilgrims first harvest in America?
September, October, November, and December
What are the autumn months?
What is a popular Thanksgiving food?
What is one game played on a field by two teams?
Rows of corn planted into a shape that people walk through and may get lost in.
What is a corn maze?
Veteran's Day
What holiday on November 11 is in memory of people who have served in the US armed services?
December 21
When is the winter solstice? or
What is the shortest day of the year?
Pumpkin pie
What desert is made from pumpkin?
How many quarters in a football game?
Combine or hay baler.
What is a farm machine used to harvest crops?
The last Thursday in November.
When is Thanksgiving?
30 days
How many days in November?
Pilgrims and Abenaki Native Americans
Who was at the first Thanksgiving feast?
Who calls the plays, makes passes and is the offensive leader on a football team?
Pumpkin bread, applesauce and apple pie.
What are some foods made in fall from harvest foods?
What holiday is October 31?
What month comes after November?
What neighboring country celebrates Thanksgiving?
Who are people who dress in team colors, freeze in cold stadiums and cheer for their team?
Macintosh, Delicious and Honeycrisp
What are apples?
Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year's Eve
What are some December holidays?
What day comes before Monday?
What sport do many people watch on Thanksgiving?
What game is played at the end of football season?