Foreign Relations
Congress/Supreme Court
Impeachment Inquiry

"You know, some people want to change the name Thanksgiving."

President Donald Trump


Which NATO member country leader was caught on the hot mic bad mouthing Donald Trump?

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau


Which former Senator, who resigned from their position to serve under Trump, is running for Senate to reclaim their old seat?

Jeff Sessions


What date did the controversial Ukraine call happen? (not whistle blower date, date of actual call)

July 25, 2019


Who did Ivanka Trump quote on Twitter in Donald Trump's defense?

"…surrounded by enemies and spies catching and perverting every word that falls from my lips or flows from my pen, and inventing where facts fail them."

Thomas Jefferson 


"Mr. Giuliani’s requests were a quid pro quo for arranging a White House visit for President Zelensky"


Gordon Sondland 


What recent tragedy is 'testing' US and Saudi Arabian alliances?

Saudi Air Force student’s deadly attack at a Pensacola Navy base


The US military has asked Congress to give them control over an additional 302,000 acres of public land in Nevada, where would most (227,000 acres)of this land be taken from?

The Desert National Wildlife Refuge


How many pages was the draft of Republican's defense of Donald Trump amid the impeachment hearings?

123 pages


What media company did the Trump campaign announce  that it will no longer credential?

Bloomberg News 


Labeled the entire impeachment probe a “partisan coup d’etat” ? (hint- member of the House Judiciary Committee)

Doug Collins (R-Georgia) 


The Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill targeting Beijing’s mass crackdown on which ethnic minority?



Name four of the nine currently serving Supreme Court justices.

John Roberts (2005), Clarence Thomas (1991), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1993), Stephen Breyer (1994) Samuel Alito (2006), Sonia Sotomayor (2009), Elena Kagan (2010), Brett Kavanaugh (2018), Neil Gorsuch (2017)


On Twitter, President Trump wrote "Nancy Pelosi just stated that ‘it is dangerous to let the voters decide Trump’s fate.’ @FoxNews In other words, she thinks I’m going to win and doesn’t want to take a chance on letting the voters decide. Like Al Green, she wants to change our voting system. Wow, she’s CRAZY!”. Did Nancy Pelosi actually say that? If not, who did?

No- Nancy Pelosi did not say that, it was in a report by Fox News reporter Mike Emanuel


Which university has started impeachment proceedings against their student body president after he allocated $50,000 of mandatory student dues for Donald Trump Jr.'s speaker fee?

University of Florida


"I don't think it's a foregone conclusion" that Democrats have the voted to impeach Trump. 

Vice President Mike Pence


After a lull of several weeks, what country has the US returned to fight ISIS in?



Name one of the two parties in the first 2nd Amendment case that the Supreme Court has agreed to hear in a decade.

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association Incorporation v. City of New York

(Ordinance in question said that residents with the proper permit could take a handgun outside the home to a city shooting range, provided it was unloaded and in a locked container, but that the gun could not be taken beyond the city limits. Now it is argued that the law violates Second Amendment rights and  transporting an unloaded gun in a locked container does not pose any significant safety risk. NYC has now repealed the ordinance, urging the Supreme Court to drop the case.)


Name one of the four legal scholars that the House Judiciary called in to interpret and debate the Constitution’s standards for impeachment, and whether or not Trump’s efforts toward Ukraine met that legal bar.

Jeff Robbins, Pamela Karlan, Michael Gerhardt, and Jonathan Turley 


Who was the last person to be arrested for defying Congress during an investigation (hint- 1935)?

William MacCracken Jr. 


Some American Jews "don't love Israel enough"

President Donald Trump 


What country has been accused of shooting down a US drone in Libya last month, and now refuses to give it back?



What Trump nominee did the Senate recently (December 4) confirm to the federal judiciary, to serve in Missouri?

Sarah Pitlyk


Name 1 of the 3 big items (not names of bills, subjects) that Democrats in Congress are hoping to vote on before Christmas, besides articles of impeachment.

shutdown-averting spending bill, caucus-unifying prescription drug bill, and a continent-spanning trade deal


North Korea has issued a warning to the US of a ___________ gift.


(so should I realllllly be worried about good grades for UVA mid-year transcripts????)