Veteran's Day
Famous November Birthdays
Misc. November
Finishing Lines

Another name for Veteran's Day.

Armistice Day or Remembrance Day


What bird is traditionally eaten at Thanksgiving dinner?


Also the state bird of Massachusetts

Number of days in the month
What is 30?

This bulldog of a man was born November 30th, 1874. He is well known for his involvement in the Second World War, and his love of champagne

Winston Churchill


This is the zodiac sign from October 23rd to November 21st.

What is Scorpio?


Where ever you go
My heart will follow
I love you so
I'll be true to you
Take my love with you
To any port or foreign shore
Darling you must feel for sure
I'll be true to you

Soldier boy oh my little soldier boy
___________________ (5 words)

I'll be true to you

"Soldier Boy" by the Shirelles

Name the branches of the military
What is Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines?

Name of the groups at the first Thanksgiving.

Who are the Indians and Pilgrims?


What is the designated Election Day date each year in the United States

A) First Tuesday after the first Monday in November

B) November 4th

C) First Tuesday in November

D) November 8th

What is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November?


This scientist, born November 7th 1867 is known for being the first person ever (and only woman in history) to be awarded two Nobel Prizes 

Marie Curie


Meaning of a poppy flower.

What is as a flower as a symbol of death, life and remembrance since World War I.


I'm comin' home, I've done my time
Now I've got to know what is and isn't mine
If you received my letter telling you I'd soon be free
Then you'll know just what to do
If you still want me, if you still want me

Whoa, __________________(9 words)

tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree

"Tie a Yellow Ribbon"


What is the date of Veteran's Day?

A) First Friday in November

B) First Monday in November

C) November 11th

D) November 5th 

November 11th


What country celebrates Thanksgiving in October?

A) United States

B) Canada

C) England

D) Iceland


Thanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day, is an annual Canadian holiday and harvest festival, held on the second Monday in October, which celebrates the harvest and other blessings of the past year. Thanksgiving has been officially celebrated as an annual holiday in Canada since November 6, 1879.


What do we call the practice of advancing clocks during warmer months so that darkness falls at a later clock time, and setting the clocks back an hour in the fall? 

Daylight Savings time

*This happens this weekend!


This movie starlet turned princess was born November 12th, 1929

Who is Grace Kelly


True or False: November’s name has remained unchanged since the ancient Roman calendar, which was in use until 45 BC. 


This first Roman calendar was only made up of ten months, with November being the ninth month. November actually translates rather appropriately into “ninth month” in Latin. When the Julian calendar was adopted in 45 BC two new months were added, which pushed November back to the 9th Despite its change in position, November was never renamed.


He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way
He had a boogie style that no one else could play
He was the top man at his craft
But then his number came up and he was gone with the draft
He's in the army now, a blowin' reveille
He's the ______________________(7 words)

 boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B

"Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy"


What year did Veteran's Day begin?

A) 1917

B) 1919

C) 1899




Who was supposedly the first US President to pardon a turkey for Thanksgiving?

A) John Adams

B) Andrew Jackson

C) Abraham Lincoln

D) Calvin Coolidge

C) Abraham Lincoln

It is often stated that President Lincoln's 1863 clemency to a turkey recorded in an 1865 dispatch by White House reporter Noah Brooks was the origin for the pardoning ceremony.

However, the history of U.S. presidents pardoning turkeys is patchy. Harry Truman is often credited with being the first president to pardon a turkey, but that’s not quite true. He was the first to receive a ceremonial turkey from the National Turkey Federation – and he had it for dinner. John F. Kennedy was the first to let a Thanksgiving turkey go, followed by Richard Nixon who sent his turkey to a petting zoo. George H.W. Bush is the president who formalized the turkey pardoning tradition in 1989.


This is the name of the Monday after Thanksgiving when there are drastic sales and discounts for online shopping

A) Manic Monday

B) Cyber Monday

C) Money Monday

D) Amazon Prime Day

Cyber Monday

In 2020, the online sales on Cyber Monday reached $10.8 billion, making it the biggest ecommerce selling day of all time


Without this cartoonist, born November 26th, 1922, we never would have had Charlie Brown, Snoopy or the rest of the Peanuts gang.

Who is Charles Schultz?


The Full moon in November is traditionally called the _________ Moon

A) Duck

B) Harvest

C) Wind

D) Beaver

Beaver Moon

The tradition goes back to North America’s early colonial years, as it was during this time of year that hunters would set their beaver traps for the last time before the lakes and water sources they lived in froze over.


Lover of mine gone to a faraway land
Serving your country on some faraway sand
If you should get no name
Remember that________________ 5 words

your heart belongs to me

"Your Heart Belongs to Me" by the Supremes


Which president that declared Veteran's Day a holiday?

A) Woodrow Wilson

B) Theodore Roosevelt

C) Franklin Pierce

D) William Taft

Woodrow Wilson


According to Better Homes and Gardens, what is Massachusetts favorite Thanksgiving dish served?

A) Stuffing

B) Side Salad

C) Green Bean Casserole

D) Cranberry Sauce


DO you agree?

Name the other months with 30 days.
What is April, June, September, November?

Born as Samuel on November 30th, 1835, this author is known as world's foremost writer on American life at the turn of the 20th century. 

Who is Mark Twain?


What is the Birthstone for November?

A) Emerald

B) Ruby

C) Topaz

D) Diamond


It is a symbol of honor and strength.


I wrote my mother
I wrote my father
And now I'm writing you too
I'm sure of mother
I'm sure of father
Now I wanna be sure of you
__________________________(11 words)

Don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me

"Don't Sit Under the Apple Tree"


Where does the apostrophe go in Veterans Day

A) Veterans' Day

B) Veteran's Day

C) Veterans Day (no apostrophe)

C) Veterans Day


When was the first Macy's Day Parade?

A) 1873

B) 1924

C) 1945

D) 1962


Though the parade stretched just two blocks, New York City went all out for what newspapers called "a marathon of mirth." Notably, however, there were none of the balloons the parade is known for today. Instead, there were live bears, elephants, camels, and monkeys from the Central Park Zoo. There were also floats with puppets, celebrities, bands, costumed Macy's employees, and of course, Santa Claus. 

The idea of a store-sponsored Thanksgiving parade did not originate with Macy’s, however, but with Philadelphia’s Gimbel Brothers Department Store, which first staged a Thanksgiving procession in 1920 with 50 people, 15 cars and a fireman dressed as Santa Claus who ushered in the Christmas shopping season.


Which of the following is a designated "holiday" in November

A) Men Make Dinner Day 

B) Look for Circles Day 

C) Chaos Never Dies Day 

D) Have a Bad Day Day 

Trick question. ALL OF THEM

Men Make Dinner Day: November 3rd

Look for Circles Day: November 2nd 

Chaos Never Dies Day: November 9th 

Have a Bad Day Day: November 19th


This famous frontiersman was born November 2nd 1734. Although often pictured with a coonskin cap, he allegedy hated wearing furs

Daniel Boone


What is November's birth flower

A) Chrysthanthemum

B) Sunflower

C) Rose

D) Lily


They represent cheerfulness


There'll be love and laughter
And peace ever after
Tomorrow, when the world is free

The shepherd will tend his sheep
The valley will bloom again
And Jimmy will go to sleep
In his own little room again

______________________(9 words)

There'll be bluebirds over
The white cliffs of Dover

 "(There’ll Be Bluebirds Over) The White Cliffs of Dover"

Vera Lynn