Indiana Cities
Christmas Characters
There were 12 Disciples
Periodic Table
Winter Wonderland
American Generals
Christmas Bakes

The 3rd most heavily populated city in Indiana, this city sits in a bend in the Ohio River and is sometimes called River City or Stop Light City.

What is Evansville?


This jolly old man lives at the North Pole and delivers presents to all of the good children on Christmas Eve.

Who is Santa Claus?


Mentioned repeatedly in all four Gospels, this apostle is considered the first Pope in the Catholic tradition. He is famous for denying knowing Jesus three times before the crowing of the rooster during Jesus' trial and crucifixion.

Who is Peter? (Simon Peter)


This nonmetal element is in the air we breath and is Earth's most abundant element. It is represented by the symbol O and is atomic number 8 on the periodic table.

What is Oxygen?


This married couple hosted a popular variety hour in the 70s, and sang hits like "I Got You, Babe" and "The Beat Goes On."

Who were Sonny and Cher?


Often made with three balls of snow and old clothes you have lying around, children and adults love to build these winter icons when school is cancelled.

What is a snowman?


This General was famous for mobile tank warfare in the European and Mediterranean theaters of WWII. He is known for "leading from the front."

Who is General George Patton?


These cookies are cut into fun shapes and decorated with sprinkles and icing. 

What are Sugar Cookies?


The capitol of Indiana, this city is home of the Colts, Pacers, and a Motor Speedway that is the largest sports venue by capacity in the world.

What is Indianapolis?


The most famous of Santa's reindeer, this young buck was once ostracized for a disability that eventually saved the day.

Who is Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?


This apostle is famous for betraying Jesus in exchange for 30 silver coins.

Who is Judas Iscariot?


Both fragile graphite and hard diamond are made of this building block of an element, represented by the symbol C and the atomic number 6.

What is Carbon?


This brother-sister duo were famous for their soft style and the sister's contralto vocals. Hits include "(They Long to Be) Close to You" and "Rainy Days and Mondays." Considered one of the best female vocalists of all time, the sister tragically passed away in 1983.

Who are the Carpenters? ("Karen Carpenter" or "Karen and Richard Carpenter" are accepted)


This winter toy, used by children to slide down snowy hills, was also the answer to the mysterious "Rosebud" question in Citizen Kane.

What are sleds?


This Revolutionary War General is famous for conspiring with the British and changing sides during the war. His name is now synonymous with betrayal and treason.

Who is Benedict Arnold?


These red and white peppermint sticks could be said to be in the shape of a Shepard's hook or the letter J.

What are candy canes?


The seat of Knox County, this is the oldest continually inhabited European settlement in Indiana and one of the oldest settlements west of the Appalachians.

What is Vincennes?


This friendly Christmas icon came to life after children placed a magical hat upon his head. He lives with Santa at the North Pole during the warm months, for he will melt if the temperature is above 32' F.

Who is Frosty the Snowman?


This apostle is credited with one of the four Gospels. He was a tax collector before he began following Jesus.

Who is Mathew?


This, the lightest element, is colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, and highly combustible. The most common element in the Universe, this element is represented by the symbol H and the atomic number 1.

What is Hydrogen?


This glamorous performer has over 50 top forty hits to his name, including "Candle in the Wind," "Your Song," and "Rocket Man".

Who is Elton John?


Beautiful but dangerous, these stalactites made of frozen water can be found around the outside of homes after a quick freeze.

What are icicles?

This Civil War General is famous for making his last stand at the Battle of the Little Big Horn. His legacy has been a point of controversy ever since his death.

Who is General George Custer?


This spiced cookie is often used to make cookie men, as well as the houses they live in. 

What is Gingerbread?


This city is home to the Indiana University Hoosiers college basketball team and has been designated as a National Tree City by the Arbor Day Foundation.

What is Bloomington?


This famous actor played George Bailey in the classic film It's a Wonderful Life?

Who is Jimmy Stewart?


The brother of James, another apostle, he was the youngest of the twelve. He is credited with writing the Book of Revelation.

Who is John?


Humans ranging from Kings to Miner 49ers have been coveting this metallic element for thousands of years. It is represented by the symbol Au and the atomic number 79.

What is Gold?


Often called the Queen of Soul, this artist is famous for hits such as "Respect," "Chain of Fools," and "Natural Woman."

Who is Aretha Franklin?


Winter is a time when we decorate with these types of plants, famous for keeping their foliage through more than one growing season. Examples include pine trees, spruce trees, and holly.

What are evergreens?


 The only US Army General to ever win a Nobel Peace Prize, Churchill lauded this mas as an "Organizer of Victory" for the Allies during WWII. His plan, a commitment to US support of economic and political European recovery, is credited with saving millions of lives and perhaps preventing future global conflicts. 

Who is General George Marshall?


This seasonal drink is a favorite with or without alcohol, and is delicious in baked goods. 

What is eggnog?


Named for a French phrase meaning "highland," this Indiana city is home to a Federal Penitentiary, the home of the Coca-Cola bottle, and a common subject of comedy for comedian Steve Martin.

What is Terre Haute?


This cartoon band released the song "Christmas Don't be Late" in 1958. Three animal brothers sang about how much they desired a Hula Hoop for Christmas.

Who are Alvin & the Chipmunks?


Tradition holds that this apostle wrote one of the four gospels and founded the church of Alexandria. His feast day is celebrated on April 25th, and he is often symbolized by a winged lion.

Who is Mark?


This malleable metal is highly conductive of electricity and has antimicrobial properties. You can purposely alloy this element with tin to make bronze. This element is represented by the symbol Cu and atomic number 29.

What is Copper?


This blind artist acted as a one man band, and released classics such as "Isn't She Lovely," "Superstition," and "Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)." He has won 25 Grammy Awards, tied for the most of any solo artist. 

Who is Stevie Wonder?


These vivid birds can be found in Northern States even in midwinter. They are the state bird of several states, including Indiana!

What are cardinals?


This general served with distinction during WWI and in the Pacific Theater of WWII. During the Korean War, all South Korean forces were initially placed under his command until he was relieved by President Truman in 1951.


Who is General Douglas MacArthur?


A controversial holiday staple, this cake is made with candied or dried fruits, nuts, and spices. Sometimes this treat is soaked in spirits.

What is fruitcake?


Famous for being a dangerous place to live, this Indiana city was home to the Jackson Five.

What is Gary?


This bespectacled 9 year old boy wanted a Red Ryder Range 200 Shot BB gun in the 1983 film A Christmas Story?

Who is Ralphie Parker?


This apostle's gospel is followed by the Acts of the Apostles. His gospel also includes the most parables, including 18 unique to his telling of Good News. In A Charlie Brown Christmas, the character Linus famously reads from this apostle's gospel about the joyous birth of Christ.

Who is Luke?


Nutritionally found in foods like bananas and spinach, this element is vital for the functioning of the human nervous system. It is represented by the symbol K and the atomic number 19.

What is Potassium?


This band got their start in 1971, and had hits such as "Lyin' Eyes," "Heartache Tonight," and "Hotel California."

Who are the Eagles?


The National Weather Service defines this as "patchy ice on roadways or other transportation surfaces that cannot easily be seen." It is most common in the early morning and is a terrible hazard on roads and sidewalks.

What is Black Ice (or clear ice)?


This Civil War General is famous for his scorched earth tactics and the capture of Atlanta. He is sometimes called the first modern General. 

Who is General William (Tecumseh) Sherman?


This classic medieval dessert was immortalized in the song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," where visitors demand the treat and won't go until they get some. 

What is Figgy Pudding?


This city in Howard County is named for a Miami chief and is known as the "City of Firsts" after the many advances in automotive manufacturing that happened there.

What is Kokomo?


This little German girl goes on a dream adventure by her family's Christmas tree in the ballet the Nutcracker.

Who is Clara (sometimes Marie or Masha?)


This apostle is most famous for doubting the resurrection of Jesus. He is the namesake for a phrase commonly applied to people who refuse to believe things unless they have personally experienced them.

Who is Thomas?


This soft alkali metal has many industrial applications, including heat resistant glass, grease lubricants, and ion batteries. It is represented by the symbol Li and the atomic number 3.

What is Lithium?


This singer/song writer/producer is famous for her solo work and her work with the band Fleetwood Mac. Hits include "Landslide," "Go Your Own Way," and "The Chain."

Who is Stevie Nicks?


This constellation is most visible on winter nights in the Northern Hemisphere. It is named after a Greek Hunter. Three stars make up his cosmic belt.

What is Orion/Orion's Belt?    


Also called "Black Jack," this General was the leader of the American Expeditionary Forces during WWI. 


Who is General John Pershing?


This British Christmas dessert is made with layers of fresh fruit, ladyfingers, and whipped creme beautifully layered in a glass dish

What is Christmas Trifle?