A type of winter squash that belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family
What is pumpkin?
First installment of the American heist comedy film franchise
What is Ocean's Eleven?
Microsoft launched this product in Nov 20, 1985 and supported it for 16 years
What is Windows 1.0?
What is pie?
This conflict ended (Nov 11, 1918)
What is World War I?
A type of tree that sheds its leaves annually
What is deciduous?
Inspired by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter
What is Easy A?
Douglas Engelbart introduced this "X–Y position indicator for a display system" and received the patent on Nov 17, 1970
What is computer mouse?
Bourbon is one type of this product
What is whiskey?
Pedro II, the last emperor of this nation, was overthrown in a coup (Nov 15, 1889)
What is Brazil?
The full moon closest to the autumn equinox
What is Harvest Moon?
Biographical film of CIA subcontractor and whistleblower who leaked highly classified information from NSA
What is Snowden?
Political advertising is banned from this platform in November 2019
What is Twitter?
Sweet apple beverage that becomes hard (alcoholic) after it ferments
What is cider?
A North-South waterway connecting the Mediterranean and the Red seas opened (Nov 17, 1869)
What is Suez Canal?
The direction many bird species migrate to in autumn to prepare for the chilly winter months
What is South?
In a futuristic, totalitarian Britain, a freedom fighter uses terrorist tactics to fight the oppressive society
V for Vendetta
One of the top-selling consoles of all time is released to the North American Market (Nov 22, 2005)
What is Xbox 360?
A male turkey
What is gobbler?
This Empire entered WWI (Nov 14, 1914)
What is Ottoman Empire?
An autumn bloomer whose name means "gold flower" in Greek
What is chrysanthemum?
Jim Carrey says yes to everything and anything
Yes Man
This event has been celebrated on the 30th of November since 1988
What is Computer Security Day?
Thanksgiving dish invented by Dorcas Reilly while working at Campbell’s Soup
What is green bean casserole?
Physicist Wilhelm Rontgen discovered this (Nov 8, 1895)
What is X-ray?