This disciple walked on water.
Who is Peter?
Jesus fed thousands of people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 of these.
What is "fish"?
Jesus was born in this city.
What is Bethlehem?
David used these two things to defeat Goliath.
What is a slingshot and a rock?
Jacob had this many sons.
What is "12"?
This man baptized Jesus in the Jordan River.
Who is John the Baptist?
This animal tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden.
What is "serpent"?
Adam and Eve lived here before they sinned.
What is The Garden of Eden?
God created Eve from this part of Adam’s body.
What is "rib"?
God created man on this day of creation.
What is "sixth" (6th)?
This man wrote the first five books of the Old Testament.
Who is Moses?
Name one of the two birds Noah sent from the Ark.
What is "dove" or "raven"?
Moses part this sea to aid in his people’s escape from the Pharaoh.
What is the Red Sea?
This gave Samson his strength.
What is "hair"?
God sent this many plagues to Egypt.
What is "10"?
This angel told Mary she would give birth to Jesus.
Who is Gabriel?
This animal spoke to Balaam.
What is a donkey?
When the people of Israel shouted around this city, the walls came crumbling down.
What is Jericho?
Moses used this to make God's miracles and wonders.
What is a "rod" / "staff"?
Jesus fasted for this many days and nights.
What is "40"?
God asked Abraham to sacrifice this to Him on Mount Moriah.
What is "his son, Isaac"?
The people of Israel made a golden idol of this animal.
What is "calf"?
In this place, Jesus prayed and sweat drops like blood, before being arrested.
David played this musical instrument.
What is the "harp" / "lyre"?
The Old Testament has this many books.
What is "39"?