Correct or not? I'm afraid my job interview didn't fare as well as I wished.
correct / +10
Paraphrase: I waited for him until 6.30 and then gave up. / I waited for him until 6.30, ... (WHICH)
at which point I gave up / +20
Are there any non-financial benefits, such as paid ..., included in this job?
leave / +40
Culture: The idea that anyone, regardless of background, can achieve success through hard work and determination, is called the ...
American Dream / +100
Culture: Is the American federal minimum wage higher or lower than $8?
lower - it's $7.25 / +20
Culture: If you look for a job in America, do you prepare a CV, or a resume?
a resume / -10
Translate: Although Steve worked mostly dead-end and menial jobs, I think he has ample experience for this post.
Chociaż prace Steve'a były mierne i bez perspektyw, sądzę, że ma pokaźne doświadczenie na to stanowisko. / +100
Correct or not? This is the person who everyone regarded as trustworthy.
Problem-solving, foreign languages command, and responsibility are all t... skills that will be of use in any kind of job. (uniwersalne, przekazywalne)
transversal / -50
Correct or not? All students performed their tasks extremely well.
correct / -10
Define: a mystery shopper
a person employed to visit a shop to assess the quality of services / -30
Translate: Sorry, could you ... (mi pomóc; użyj: give)?
give me a hand / -40
Define: a high-powered job
a job with a lot of power and responsibility / -10
Translate: ... (Biegnąc przez las), he tripped and broke his leg.
Running through the forest / +30
Translate: ... (To, co powinieneś zrobić) is take a deep breath and relax.
What you should do / -20
NO / +20
When you start a new job in a big company, you should learn the ... structure as soon as possible - it's good to know who's your line manager.
reporting / +20
Can we skip THAT in this sentence? Maths is the subject that I adore with my whole heart. I wish Maths classes never ended.
Culture: When people work on short-term contracts and they don't have permanent jobs, such a model is called ...
gig economy / +50
Correct or not? Before you start working for us, I need you to overgo a mandatory safety training.
NO: overgo -> undergo / -20
Complete with one word: Mrs. Jones was the first owner ... dog won three prizes in the same show.
whose / -10
Translate: Mój ojciec, z którym często się kłócę, jest programistą aplikacji.
My father, with whom I often argue, is an application software developer. / +30
Correct or not? Most of the guests turned up two hours early, that took us by surprise.