NPD Scope and Standards of Practice
Donna Wright
Adult Learners
Education Process

Credential used by someone certified in Nursing Professional Development

What is NPD-BC


 Donna Wright is known for this

What is Competency Model


Name a way to engage adult learners

What is Ask about previous experiences, provide an explanation of the why, self learning packets, provide choices for completing education or competency, Interactivity, facilitate rather than teach 


Used to identify gaps which may require education

 What is Needs Assessment


Integration of the best research evidence , educational and clinical expertise and learner values to facilitate decision making  

what is Evidence Based Practice (EBP)


Two responsibilities filled by a NPD practitioner 

What Is Onboarding/Orientation, Competency management, Education, Continuing Nursing Education (CNE), Interprofessional education, Professional role development, Research/EBP/QI, Collaborative partnerships


Knowledge, skills and abilities required in the first 6 months-1 year of employment 

What is Initial Competencies


The continual acquisition of knowledge throughout life in preparation for, and as a response to, the different roles, situations and environments encountered

What is Lifelong Learning


Tool used to write objectives that measure different levels of learning

What is Blooms taxonomy


Educator designs learning to produce desired behavior and eliminate undesired behavior (Stimulus+Response) 

What is Behaviorism?


NPD practitioner prepared at the graduate level in nursing and certified in NPD that develops tools, theories, skills, and knowledge to improve the healthcare practice of learners

What is NPD Specialist


The three domains of competency

 What is Technical, Critical thinking, Interpersonal


 American educator know for development of the Adult Learning theory

What is Malcolm Knowles


The acronym VILT stand for this

What is Virtual Instructor Lead Training


Name 3 of the 5 Magnet Components

What is Transformational Leadership, Structural Empowerment, Exemplary Professional Practice, New Knowledge and Innovation, Empirical Outcomes


An Output of NPD Practice defined in the NPD Practice Model

What is Learning, Change, Professional Role Competence and Growth


Name 5 competency verification methods

What is tests/exams, return demonstration, evidence of daily work, case studies, exemplars, peer review, self assessment, discussion/reflection groups, presentations, mock events/surveys, quality improvement monitors


Name 2 principles of adult learning

What is Adults need to know why they need to learn something

Adults learn experientially

Adults approach learning as problem solving

Adults learn best when the topic is of immediate value


Something that follows, is the result of, or the consequence of an educational program 

What is Outcome


Each Person's learning depends on self-direction, self-evaluation, self-concept, self-discovery, and internal motivations. 

What is Humanism


NPD role in which the NPD practitioner works to transform processes through inspiration, initiation, adoption, sustainment of and adaptation to change.

What is Change Agent


Name 3 things to consider when identifying annual competencies 

What is New procedures, policies, equipment and initiatives

Changes in procedures, policies, equipment and initiatives

High risk aspects of the job

Problematic aspects of the job

Regulatory requirements


Another name for adult learning 

What is Andragogy


Association which sets criteria for Nursing Continuing Professional Development

What is ANCC


The relative value of a program or project based on a cost and net benefit ratio

What is Return on Investment (ROI)