Other Systems

Hip precautions for posterolateral approach 

Avoid flexion >90 deg, ext, adduction, or internal rotation.


What nerve is involved with carpal tunnel syndrome?

BONUS: Name some of the muscles innervated by this nerve.

Median n. 


Pronator Quadratus 

Flexor pollicis longus 

Opponens Poliicis 


Which heart sounds are normal? Abnormal?

BONUS: When do you hear them and what sound does the normal heart sounds make?

S1 and S2 heart sounds normal 

S3 and S4 abnormal 

S1: "LUB" closing of the mitral and tricuspid valves during systole

S2: "DUB" closing of the aortic and pulmonary valves during diastole 

S3: abnormal filling of the ventricles (CHF)

S4: abnormal filling of the ventricles and atrial contraction (pulmonary HTN)


What is the flow of the lymphatic system




Lymph nodes 

Lymphatic Trunk 

Lymphatic Duct 


What are the ottawa ankle rules?

Tenderness of the lateral/medial malleolus 

Unable to WB 

Tenderness of the base of the 5th metatarsal 

Tenderness of the navicular 


A therapist has been treating a patient over a period of 4 months for decreased shoulder elevation and a loss of external rotation. Recovery has been good; however, the patient still complains of being unable to reach the upper shelves of kitchen cabinets and closets. To help the patient achieve this goal, what should be the focus of manual therapy. 

A. Superior glide 

B. Inferior glide 

C. Anterior glide 

D. Grade II oscillitation

C. Anterior glide 

Roll for shoulder external rotation= posterior 

Glide= Anterior 

Shoulder flexion roll=anterior 

Glide= posterior 

Posterior glide isn't an option

GH convex on a concave = opposite 


A 56-year-old male patient is recovering from a severe traumatic brain injury. During your assessment, you observe that the patient is alert and responsive, able to follow simple commands inconsistently, but becomes easily agitated and confused with increased stimuli and complexity of tasks. The patient also exhibits inappropriate behaviors and has difficulty maintaining attention. Based on the Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale, which level best describes this patient's cognitive functioning?

A. Level IV

B. Level V

C. Level VI

D. Level VII

B. Level V


When should you terminate exercise in a patient with a known cardiac history?

SBP decreases 20 mmHG or increases to 240 mmHG

DBP incr 110 mmHG 

Dyspnea, pallor, excessive fatigue, diaphoretic, angina

Incr. crackles 

2nd or 3rd degree heart block


A 45-year-old female presents to your clinic with complaints of weight loss despite an increased appetite, palpitations, and heat intolerance. During the physical examination, you notice that she has a noticeable tremor in her hands and protruding eyes (exophthalmos). She also mentions feeling unusually anxious and having trouble sleeping. Based on these symptoms, which condition is most likely affecting the patient?

A. Hypothyroidism

B. Hyperthyroidism

C. Addison's disease

D. Cushing's syndrome

B. Hyperthyroidism 


During the examination of a 30-year-old female patient who presents with shoulder pain and suspected rotator cuff pathology, you perform the Hawkins-Kennedy test. The test involves flexing the patient's shoulder to 90 degrees, then forcibly internally rotating the arm. A positive test elicits pain in the shoulder.

Which of the following conditions is most likely indicated by a positive Hawkins-Kennedy test?

A. Bicipital tendinitis

B. Supraspinatus impingement

C. Acromioclavicular joint arthritis

D. Glenohumeral instability

B. Supraspinatus impingement 


During a physical examination of a 45-year-old male patient with lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow), you perform a special test to assess for pain and tenderness at the lateral epicondyle of the humerus. The test involves resisted extension of the wrist and middle finger with the elbow extended and forearm pronated. A positive test elicits pain at the lateral epicondyle.

Which of the following special tests did you most likely perform?

A. Tinel's sign

B. Phalen's test

C. Finkelstein's test

D. Cozen's test

D. Cozen's test 


Define Canalithiasis vs Cuplolithiasis 

BONUS: What are the treatments?

Canlithiasis: Crystals get dislodged in the ear canal

Cupolithiasis: dislodged into cupula 

Canlithiasis: Epley manuever or Brandt daroff 

Cupulithiasis: Semont manuever 


What is metabolic syndrome? 

BONUS: Name the 5 risk factors 

Cluster of symptoms increasing the risk of the patient developing CVD. 


Fasting blood glucose: >120

Triglycerides: >150 

Waist circumference: men (>40), women (>35)

High density lipoprotein: <40 men, <50 women 

SBP: >130, DBP >85


If a patient presents with RUQ pain what is most likely to be affected? 

A. Gallbladder, liver, head of pancreas, peptic ulcer 

B. Spleen, diaphragm, pancreas-tail

C. Appendix, crohn's disease 

D. Diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, IBS

A. Gallbladder, liver, head of pancreas, peptic ulcer 

Mnemonic for pain patterns 

RUQ: "Good luck hot pack"

LUQ: "Don't banana split"




Which two movements should be avoided in individuals diagnosed with osteoporosis?

No rotation or flexion exercises


What could potentially cause a forward lean of the trunk in a person's posture?

Weak quadriceps 

tight hip flexors 

PF tightness 


Up to which spinal cord level would a patient likely retain the ability to breathe independently without requiring ventilatory support?

A. C2

B. C5

C. T5

D. T10

B. C5 

Diaphragm is fully innervated and intact at C5. C2 diaphragm isn't innervated. 


When should the mediastinum shift away? 

BONUS: Name a condition

Mediastinum shifts away when the lung space is "crowded" or has increased tension. 

Common conditions: Pneumothorax (air surrounding lung), pulmonary embolism, pleural effusion


What is the optimal position a pregnant woman should sleep in after the first trimester?



Optimal position because supine and R-side lying will compress the IVC decreasing circulation and cardiac output


A 35 year old male patient has superficial partial-thickness burns to the anterior right arm, posterior left leg, and anterior head and neck. Using the Rule of Nines, calculate the total body surface area percentage that is burned?

A. 36%

B. 9%

C. 18% 

D. 29%

C. 18% 

Anterior right arm (4.5%), posterior left leg (9%), and anterior head and neck (4.5%) which equals 18%.


Normal ranges Shoulder ROM 






Abd: 170-180

Ext: 10-90

IR: 60-100

ER: 80-90


Draw out the brachial plexus


A 55-year-old male patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) presents to the emergency department with increased dyspnea and confusion. Upon assessment, you note cyanosis and tachypnea. Arterial blood gas analysis reveals a pH of 7.28, PaCO2 of 70 mmHg, PaO2 of 60 mmHg, and HCO3- of 32 mEq/L. Based on these findings, which acid-base imbalance is most likely present in this patient?

A. Respiratory acidosis
B. Respiratory alkalosis
C. Metabolic acidosis
D. Metabolic alkalosis

A. Respiratory acidosis 


A 45-year-old male presents to the clinic with a non-healing wound on his left foot. He reports a history of diabetes mellitus and peripheral vascular disease. On examination, the wound is characterized by necrotic tissue and purulent drainage. Which of the following is the most appropriate initial intervention for managing this wound?

A. Application of a moisture-retentive dressing
B. Debridement of necrotic tissue
C. Administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics
D. Compression therapy to improve venous circulation

B. Debridement of necrotic tissue

debridement of necrotic tissue is the initial intervention of choice because it directly addresses the underlying issues of impaired wound healing and infection risk in diabetic patients with non-healing wounds.


Rehab protocol for ACL

Avoid OKC 0-30 deg for 4-6 weeks 

Avoid CKC 60-90 deg knee flx for 4-6 weeks