Nursing Process
Conception Through Adolescence
Young and Middle Adults and Older Adults

The agreement to keep promises and the unwillingness to abandon patients. 



Which of the following is the correctly stated nursing diagnosis?

1. Needs to be fed related to broken right arm

2.  Impaired skin integrity related to fecal incontinence

3. Abnormal breath sounds caused by weak cough reflex

4. Impaired physical mobility related to rheumatoid arthritis

 2. Impaired skin integrity related to fecal incontinence

It is the patient’s actual or potential response to the health problem


A nurse works on a pediatric unit and is using a psychosocial developmental approach to childcare. In which order from the first to the last will the nurse place the developmental stages?

1. Initiative versus guilt
2. Trust versus mistrust
3. Industry versus inferiority
4. Identity versus role confusion
5. Autonomy versus shame and doubt

2, 5, 1, 3, 4

Trust versus mistrust

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Initiative versus guilt

Industry versus inferiority

Identity versus role confusion


Which of the following is true of the developmental behaviors of school-age children?

1. Fears center on the loss of self-control.

2. Positive feedback from parents and teachers is crucial to development.

3. Formal and informal peer group membership is the key in forming self-esteem.

4. A full range of defense mechanisms is used, including rationalization and intellectualization.

2. Positive feedback from parents and teachers is crucial to development.

The school and home influence growth and development. If they are positively recognized for success, they feel a sense of worth.


What is the purpose of using the ISBAR tool to communicate? 

A. So the nurse doesn't have to get report over the phone

B. To cover any missing information during handoff

C. ISBAR is not used in hospitals

D.To improve client care professionals' communication with each other.

D. To improve client care professionals' communication with each other.


The best interests of the patient remain more important than self-interest.



 The planning step of the nursing process includes which of the following activities?

1. Assessing and diagnosing

2. Evaluating goal achievement

3. Setting goals and selecting interventions

4. Performing nursing actions and documenting them

3.  Setting goals and selecting interventions

The nurse sets patient-centered goals and expected outcomes and plans nursing interventions.


A nurse is using Jean Piaget’s developmental theory to focus on cognitive development. Which area will the nurse assess in this patient? 

A. Intimacy versus isolation

B. The postconventional level

C. Latency

D. Formal operations

D. Formal operations


To stimulate cognitive and psychosocial development of the toddler, it is important for parents to:

1. Set firm and consistent limits

2. Foster sharing of toys with playmates and siblings

3. Provide clarification about what is right and wrong

4. Limit confusion by restricting exploration of the environment

1. Set firm and consistent limits

Do not understand what is right or wrong, but they do understand positive and negative reinforcement, thus learning self-control


A confused older-adult patient is wearing thick glasses and a hearing aid. Which intervention is the priority to facilitate communication?

A. Use gestures and other nonverbal cues.

B. Allow time for the patient to respond.

C. Focus on tasks to be completed.

D. Limit conversations with the patient.

B. Allow time for the patient to respond.


Commitment to include patients in decisions about care



Measuring the patient’s response to nursing interventions and his or her progress toward achieving goals occurs during which phase of the nursing process?

1. Planning

2. Evaluation

3. Assessment

4. Nursing diagnosis

2. Evaluation

Determines whether the patient’s condition or well-being has improved after the application of the nursing process


A patient follows all the instructions a nurse provides because the patient wants to be perceived as a “good” patient. How should the nurse interpret this information according to moral development? 

A. The patient is in postformal thought reasoning.

B. The patient is in postconventional reasoning.

C. The patient is in conventional reasoning.

D. The patient is in preconventional reasoning.

C. The patient is in conventional reasoning.


Mr. DeLone states that he is worried about his parents’ plans to retire. All of the following would be appropriate responses regarding retirement of older-adults except:

1. Retirement may affect an individual’s physical and psychological functioning.

2. Positive adjustment is often related to how much a person planned for the retirement.

3. Reactions to retirement are influenced by the importance that has been attached to the work role.

4. Retirement for most persons represents a sudden shock that is irreversibly damaging to self-image and self-esteem.

4. Retirement for most persons represents a sudden shock that is irreversibly damaging to self-image and self-esteem.

It is the stage of life characterized by transitions and role changes.


Which of the following are nontherapeutic communication techniques (select all that apply)

“How can you say you didn’t sleep a wink? You were snoring all night long.”

 “I’m so sorry about your mastectomy; it must be terrible to lose a breast.”

 “Let’s not talk about your problems with the insurance company. It’s time for your walk.”

“If I were you, I’d put your mother in a nursing home.”

All of the above


The ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses articulates that the nurse “promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and right of the patient.” This promise to protect includes a promise to protect patient privacy. On the basis of this principle, if you participate in a public online social network such as Facebook, could you post images of a patient’s x-ray film if you obscured or deleted all patient identifiers?

1. Yes. Patient privacy would not be violated because patient identifiers were removed.

2. Yes. Respect for autonomy implies that you have the autonomy to decide what constitutes privacy.

3. No. A viewer might identify the patient based on other comments that you make online about the patient’s condition and your place of work.

4. No. The principle of justice requires you to allocate resources fairly.

3. No. A viewer might identify the patient based on other comments that you make online about the patient’s condition and your place of work.

Privacy is a patient’s right to avoid disclosure of their personal health information. Posting information or pictures about patients, even without specific identifiers, is a violation of confidentiality.


 When a patient-centered goal has not been met in the projected time frame, the most appropriate action by the nurse would be to:

1. Rewrite the plan using different interventions

2. Continue with the same plan until the goal is met

3. Repeat the entire sequence of the nursing process to discover needed changes

4. Conclude that the goal was inappropriate or unrealistic and eliminate it from the plan

3. Repeat the entire sequence of the nursing process to discover needed changes

If the goals have not been met, you may need to adjust the plan of care by the use of interventions, modify or add nursing diagnoses with appropriate goals and expected outcomes, and redefine priorities.


According to Kohlberg, children develop moral reasoning as they mature. Which of the following is most characteristic of a preschooler’s stage of moral development?

1. The rules of correct behavior are obeyed.

2. Behavior that pleases others is considered good.

3. Showing respect for authority is important behavior.

4. Actions are determined as good or bad in terms of their consequences.

Actions are determined as good or bad in terms of their consequences.


Identify the leading causes of death for adolescents.

Motor vehicle accidents

Violence and homicide



Give some examples of how to communicate with the older adults who have a hearing loss.

a. Make sure the patient knows that you are talking

b. Face the patient with your face/mouth visible and don’t chew gum

c. Speak clearly, do not shout

d. Speak slowly

e. Check for hearing aids, etc.

f. Quiet, well-lit environment with minimal distraction

g. Allow time for the patient to respond

h. Give the patient a chance to ask questions

i. Keep communication short and to the point


Identify and define the four basic principles of the code of ethics.

Responsibility – the willingness to respect one’s professional obligations and follow through

Accountability – answering for one’s own actions

Confidentiality – respecting patient privacy

Advocacy – application of one’s skills and knowledge for the benefit of another person


Which of the following statements correctly describes the evaluation process? (Select all that apply.)

1. Evaluation is an ongoing process.

2. Evaluation usually reveals obvious changes in a patient.

3. Evaluation involves making clinical decisions.

4. Evaluation requires the use of assessment skills

5. Evaluation is performed only when the patient’s condition changes.


Evaluation is an ongoing process.

Evaluation involves making clinical decisions.

Evaluation requires the use of assessment skills


According to Erikson, the developmental task of adolescence is:

1. Achieve intimacy

2. Achieve generativity

3. Establish a set of personal values

4. Establish a sense of personal identity

 4. Establish a sense of personal identity 

The adult focuses on supporting future generations and the ability to expand one’s personal and social involvement.


Identify three myths or stereotypes regarding older-adults.

Ill, disabled, and physically unattractive

Forgetful, confused, rigid, bored, and unfriendly

Unable to understand and learn new information


Briefly explain how to communicate with patients who have special needs. Visually impaired:

Check for glasses, identify yourself, speak in a normal tone, do not rely on gestures or nonverbal communication, use indirect lighting, use 14-point print


 A health care issue often becomes an ethical dilemma because:

1. Decisions must be made based on value systems.

2. The choices involved do not appear to be clearly right or wrong.

3. Decisions must be made quickly, often under stressful conditions.

4. A patient’s legal rights coexist with a health professional’s obligations.

2. The choices involved do not appear to be clearly right or wrong.

 Ethical problems come from controversy and conflict.


The clinical thinking model includes six components of critical thinking in nursing judgment; identify them and give an example:

a. Critical thinking competence – diagnostic reasoning and clinical decision-making ability

b. Specific knowledge base – patient data, basic and nursing science, nursing and healthcare theory

c. Experience personal, clinical practice, skill competence.

d. Environment – time pressure, setting, task complexity

e. Attitudes: confidence, independence, fairness, responsibility, risk taking, discipline, perseverance, creativity, curiosity, intellectual integrity, humility

f. Standards: intellectual standards is a guideline or principle for rational thought; professional standards refer to the standard of practice, ethical criteria for nursing judgments, criteria for evaluation, professional responsibility.


Identify the four periods of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.

Period I: Sensorimotor (birth to 2 years) develops a schema or action pattern for dealing with the environment.

Period II: Preoperational (2 to 7 years) learn to think with the use of symbols and mental images.

Period III: Concrete operations (7 to 11 years) now are able to perform mental operations.

Period IV: Formal operations (11 years to adulthood) transition from concrete to formal thinking occurs.


List general preventive measures to recommend to older-adults.

Regular primary care, dental, vision, and hearing visits

Participation in screening activities as indicated by age


Regular exercise, smoking sensation, stress management

Attaining and maintaining target weight

Low-fat, well-balanced diet

Moderate alcohol use


Good handwashing


The nurse asks a patient where their pain is located, and the patient responds by pointing to the area of pain. Which form of communication did the patient use?
