I can't wait to be a nurse leader!
Nursing leadership is my passion.
I will be a great nurse leader.
All nurses are nurse leaders.
I have what it takes to be a great nurse leader!

Disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and evidence based.

What is critical thinking?


Experienced nurse who provides knowledge and emotional support on a 1:1 basis.

Choose: role model, preceptor, coach, manager

What is a preceptor?


Silence, space, environment, appearance, eye contact, posture, gestures, facial expression, and attentiveness.

What is nonverbal communication?


Used to describe future goals of an organization.

Choose: mission statement, vision statement, purpose statement, implied policy

What is the vision statement?


This staff member has the flexibility to choose when they want to work, have a higher rate of pay, and no benefits.

Choose: travel nurses, float nurses, per diem nurses, self-scheduling employees

What are per diem nurses?


Employee appraisal effect characterized by the employer overly considering the positives of the employee performance, and neglecting the negatives.

Choices: Matthew effect, horns effect, halo effect, queen bee effect

What is the halo effect?


What category would this task fall into: Plan the schedule for next week's BLS training.

Choices: do now, do later, don't do

What is "do later?"


Situation where even tiny changes in variables can dramatically affect outcomes.

Choose: resistance to change, chaos theory, driving forces for change, unfreezing/refreezing related to change

What is chaos theory?


When the individual knows the right thing to do, but organizational constraints make it difficult to take the right course of action.

Choose: moral indifference, moral conflict, moral distress, moral outrage, ethical dilemma

What is moral distress?


This type of budget relates to the expenses that change in response to the volume of service.  Examples are electricity, repairs, maintenance, and supplies.

Choose: operating budget, personnel budget, capital budget

What is the operating budget?



It was under the administration of President _________ that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was enacted.

Who is Obama?


Ability to read our instincts and the instincts of others. Being self-aware about one's emotions and recognizing how they influence others.

What is emotional intelligence?


True of False:

In order for someone to be held liable for malpractice, actual patient injury must have occurred.

What is True?


Leadership style that is characterized by being committed, having a vision, and empowering others with this vision.

Choose: situational, authoritarian, laissex-faire, transformational, or transactional leadership style.

What is transformational leadership style?


Last resort action to report ethical malfeasance within an institution.

Choose: whistleblowing, empowerment, suing, paternalism

What is whistleblowing?


This legislative act ensures that employers provide a place of employment that is free from recognized hazards that may cause physical harm.

What is The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)?


Model of patient care characterized by caregivers being given specific assigned tasks rather than patients.

Choose: team nursing, modular nursing, functional nursing, total care nursing

What is functional nursing?


The _________ Commission is an independent, not-for-profit organization that accredits more than 21,000 healthcare organizations and programs in the US.

What is the Joint Commission?


Name at least one "transition-to-practice" opportunity that a place of employment may offer.

What are: orientation programs, internships, residencies, fellowships, mentors/preceptors?



This motivational theorist emphasized that motivation comes from reinforcers and punishers (rewards and discipline).

Choose: Vroom, Skinner, Maslow, Herzberg

Who is Skinner?


Repeated, unwanted, harmful actions intended to humiliate, offend, and cause distress to the recipient.

What is bullying?


Communication network characterized by conversations in break rooms, down the halls, during the carpool, etc. that can lead to rumors/gossip in a workplace.

What is the grapevine?


Name three of the five rights of delegation:

What are: Right task, Right circumstances, Right person, Right direction/communication, Right level of supervision?


Type of power gained through knowledge, expertise, or experience.

Choices: reward power, referent power, expert power, informational power

What is expert power?


Name two things that you should NOT do when interviewing for a nursing position.

What are: chew gum, fidget, slouch, play with your hair/keys/pen, wear perfume/aftershave/scent, take notes (unless necessary), etc.