Renal Dysfunction
Heart Failure Cardiac Disorders
Gastrointestinal Structural Disorders
Cyanotic & Mixed Cardiac Defects
Pot Luck

This is important to educate parents on when their child has hypospadias

The child can still void.  It can be surgically repaired.  Circumcision will be delayed because the skin may be needed during surgical repair.


What signs & symptoms would you see in an infant with aortic stenosis?

What is poor feeding, weak pulses, murmur, hypotension, activity intolerance?


A child is admitted with appendicitis and reports his pain is much better.  This is an indication:

What is the appendix ruptured?

Sickle cells disease is autosomal recessive which means a child has this percentage chance of getting the disease.

What is 25%?  Both parents must carry the gene.  There is a 50% chance the child will be a carrier and 25% of not having the trait.


These are the 4 defects of Tetralogy of Fallot.

What are pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect, Overriding aorta, and right ventricular hypertrophy?


These are signs of post-op bleeding.

What is tachycardia, pallor, decreased bp, restlessness, weak pulses?  (What else)


What measurement is the greatest predictor of dehydration in infants? Other signs/symptoms?

Weight.  Hypotension, Oliguria, No tears when crying, sunken fontanel.... What else?


The PDA shunts blood from here to where.

What is it is a conduit between the pulmonary artery and the aorta?


You perform these actions for an infant going to surgery for Hirschsprung's disease.

What is start IV and keeping infant NPO, measure abdomen circumference, get consent from the guardian, administer enema, parent education on that if ostomy is needed it will be temporary?


A sickle cell adolescent is complaining of severe chest pain.  A nurse should think this is occurring.

What is acute chest syndrome?

During a tet spell, this is your first intervention.

What is place the knees to the chest?


When comparing these clinical changes, this one takes priority.

1) Asthma patient that received treatment 1 hour ago

2) Sickle cell patient complaining of severe chest pain.

What is 2?  Why?


How do you know if oral rehydration is working?

Increased urine output, Oral intake, More responsive & active, improved blood pressure.


You would expect these findings in an infant with coarctation of the aorta.

What is increased BP and bounding pulses in the upper extremities and decreased BP and pulses in the lower extremities?


Hirschsprung's disease (and CF) can first be identified in the newborn when this does not happen in 24-48 hours.

What is a meconium ileus?


When children require frequent transfusions, this builds up in the blood.

What is iron?  Treated with creation therapy such as deferoxamine infusions with binds with iron.

These nursing care interventions should be implemented for an infant with cyanotic heart disease.

What is keep infant calm, cluster care, monitor I&O, higher calorie formulas or breatmilk fortifier, schedule feedings to allow for rest between feedings.


The heart rate in a two-year-old is 65.  This is your next move.

What is notify the provider as the normal range is 80-110?


This electrolyte, if too high or low can cause heart arrhythmias, and can be dangerously imbalanced when a child has vomiting or diarrhea.



You would expect to see these findings in a child with heart failure.

What is tachycardia, cool extremities, decreased urine output, feeding issues in infants, nasal flaring and weight gain?


The stools for an infant with intussusception look like this.

What is red jelly stools?  Blood and mucus


You should not expose a child with sickle cell disease to this.

What is cold?


This cyanotic heart disease causes decreased pulmonary flow which causes tet spells.

What is Tetralogy of Fallot?


A infant is not feeding well.  This is your main concern.

What is dehydration?  Followed by malnutrition and failure to thrive.


In acute glomerulonephritis what would you expect to find in the urine?

What is red blood cells and protein


You enter a child post cardiac catheterization and not the sheets are soaked in blood.  You need to do this first.

What is apply direct pressure 1 inch above the insertion site?


A child with gastric reflux disease should have this added to feedings.

What is rice cereal?


Sickle cell children need to remain hydrated because of this.

What is the sickle cells need more space in the vessels so they can slide by each other?  Dehydration increased the risk of occlusion.


This is a condition which the aorta is connected to the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery is connected to the left.

What is transposition of the great arteries?


What is the pneumonic when initially addressing a sickle cell crisis? 

What is HOP?  Hydration, Oxygen, Pain


These diet restrictions should be followed in patients that have peripheral edema with acute glomerulonephritis.

What is to limit K+, salt (sodium), protein, and fluid?


Infants with heart failure should need nutrition and parents should be instructed to do this.

What is adding extra calories to breastmilk or feeding high-calorie formula?


These are the sign & symptoms of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.

What is projectile vomiting, an olive-shaped mass easily palpated and visible peristalsis?


These are the triggers of a vaso-occlusive crisis.

What is the stress of any kind, dehydration, infection, mental and physical stress, cold weather.?


This is a failure of the septum formation in the heart which results in a single vessel that comes off the ventricles.

What is truncus arteriosis?


In immunocompromised children, this is our main nursing goal.

What is to prevent infection?  What isolation is implemented?


This is normal urine output for a 6 month old.

What is 0.5ml/kg/hr?


An infant has been prescribed Digoxin and has an apical pulse of 90.  What is your next step?

What is hold the dose and call the provider?


What are the signs/symptoms in appendicitis?

Lower right quadrant pain, rebound tenderness, elevated WBC, rigid abdomen.


These children are deficient in Factor IX.

What is hemophilia B or Christmas disease.


The left side of the heart is underdeveloped.

What is hypoplastic left heart syndrome?


This is the feeding strategy when infants are tiring out due to intolerance of activity.

What is limiting feeding time, and schedule feedings to give infants rest periods, increase calories of formula/breast milk, NG feedings.


This disorder manifests as facial and other edemas, decreased urinary output with proteinuria, hyperlipidemia and is NOT contagious.

What is nephrotic syndrome?


A child on Digoxin vomits after taking their dose of Digoxin.  This is your next action.

What is do not give another dose?  If the child is ill, notify the provider immediately.


This is how a patient with gastroesophageal reflux should be positioned after eating.

What is sitting up in car seat?


You should not use this to reduce the pain of painful joints.

What is warm compresses?


In Transposition of the Great Arteries, this is used to keep the ducts open.

What is prostaglandin E IV?


This occurs if intussusception resolves.

What is the child has a normal colored stool?


What is vesicoureteral reflux and it's main concern?

What is urine flowing from the bladder to the kidney which can cause an infection?


Early signs of Digoxin toxicity are:

What is anorexia, nausea, and vomiting?


These are the signs & symptoms of Hirschsprung's disease.

What is failure to pass meconium, foul-smelling ribbon-like stools, and mega-colon abdominal distention?


A child with hemophilia A has returned from tonsillectomy surgery.  The nurse should assess for the following signs and symptoms of infection.

What is assess for active bleeding, monitor vital signs, increased swallowing or coughing, and make sure factor VIII is available?


In general, this can be the first sign that an infant has a health issue.

What is poor feeding and poor growth and development?


This is the post-op care for an infant post cleft lip repair.

What is pain control, position on the unaffected side, and watch for airway obstruction?


You receive a report that your client has a specific gravity of 1.021.  This is your next step.

What is record as normal.  Normal specific gravity is 1.005 to 1.030.


In a child with Kawasaki's Disease, you would expect to observe these findings.

What are erythematous palms and feet, high fever, strawberry tongue, red eyes, and enlarged lymph nodes?


These are signs and symptoms of esophageal reflux.

What are spitting up or forceful vomiting, irritability, excessive crying, arching of the back, failure to thrive, and respiratory issues?


A child has iron deficiency anemia.  This is the education a nurse should give the parents regarding administering oral iron supplement.

What is give 1 hr before or 2 hr after milk, tea, or antacid?  Do not put in bottles or other fluids.  Use a dropper or straw as it stains the teeth.  Introduce iron-rich foods?  Also, cow's milk can be the cause so decrease cow's milk in diet.


These are the actions, in order, to take during a tet spell.

What is 1) place knee-chest position2) remain calm 3) administer 100% oxygen 4) give morphine 5) IV 6 repeat morphine


You examine the fontanel of an infant and find it flat and soft.  This is your next step.

What is document as normal?