This exec member has lived in the same town all throughout their schooling (Pre-K-College)
Who is Lexi
The colors of NRHH
Blue and White
The number of OTMS required to write in 1 year
What is 5
What do you call a cow with no legs?
Ground Beef!
Who is UNC's current quarterback?
Who is Sam Howell
This exec person has a black belt in Karate!
Who is Jacob
The two pillars of NRHH
What is service and recognition
The amount of meetings you need to attend
What is 75% (usually ends up being 4ish meetings required)
What did the buffalo say to his son on the first day of school?
Where did Hinton James walk from to become the first student at UNC?
Where is Wilmington
This exec member recently adopted 8 chickens!
Who is Claire
Who is NRHH a daughter organization of on campus?
What is RHA
The GPA you must hit
What is 2.5
How do you make the number 7 even without addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?
what is dropping the s
Which President studied full-time at Carolina?
Who is President Polk
Who is Michele
The symbol of NRHH?
What are 3 interlocking chains
Who should you talk to if you're having trouble being apart of NRHH/life is getting too stressful?
Who is literally anyone on Exec :) we are here to help you
What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening? (Hint: think outside the box on this one)
A human :)
How many bells are inside the bell tower?
What is 14
These two exec members are staying at UNC for Graduate school
Who is Kimmie and Xavier
What is April 25th, 1964
The percentage of people required to hit quorum
What is 2/3rds (66.6%)
I bet I can sing you any song with your name in it... are you willing to take the bet? What's the song... or can I not actually do it?
Heck yes I can, and it's Happy Birthday
What is the old well modeled after?
The temple of love in the garden of Versailles