What are reasons that people use substances?
What is normativity?
Designating something as socially ‘normal’
Leads to a lot of assumptions, and expectations
- getting married
- have a boyfriend/girlfriend
- when are you having kids
What terms should you use when talking about Indigenous communities and members?
What were Indian day schools?
- Similar to the residential school but did not stay over night.
- Cheaper
- Used to assimilate the community
What is epidemiology?
The term epidemiology stems from three Greek terms:
“The study which befalls people.”
What are the harms of substance use disorders?
Health harms:
Social Harms:
What is transitioning?
when an individual seeks congruence in their gender.
What did pre-contact look like? (before 1500s)
Nursing considerations - RTS
Infection Control
Breaking the chain
A two-tiered approach
What are the 4 C's -- Substance use disorder
How to provide respectful nursing care with the LGBTQ community?
What are the residential school impacts today?
Colonization purpose and effect?
Residential Schools, Indian Day Schools, Indian hospitals
Depleted resources diminishing livelihoods.
Diseases are introduced: small pox, TB, measles
Alcohol introduced
Malnutrition, starvation
Hudson’s Bay Blanket
Non-Communicable Disease
What is Trauma informed care?
What are the impacts on the LGBTQ community?
Indigenous child welfare
There were not services- child welfare, on reserve so kids were just taken.
Government pay outs does not compensate
How to make progress in healthcare?
*Accurate and culturally translated health care information can lead to patient empowerment and better health and outcomes.
What are transmission-based precaution types?
Addiction and nursing care?
What is inclusive language?
Indigenous: justice system
Truth and Reconciliation
What is immunization?