
Age-related changes in the ear include... (Name 3)

- Skin of auricle dry & wrinkled

- Cerumen production declines 

- Protective wax dryer

- Hairs in the canal more coarse/longer (men)

- Eardrum thickens

- Bony joints in the middle ear degenerate

- Atrophy of the cochlea, cochlear nerve cells, and organ of corti


The nurse should administer ophthalmic drops in the ___.

Conjunctival sac


What is the treatment for laryngitis?

- Reduction of irritation of the larynx

- Voice rest

- Removal of the irritant 


What is ototoxicity? What is the primary symptom of ototoxicity with salicylates? 

- Damage to the ear or 8th cranial nerve 

- Caused by chemicals, including some drugs

- Primary symptom of ototoxicity with salicylates --> tinnitus


The inner lining of the eyeball that contains the area of sharpest vision is the __.

Retina (macula is the sharpest area of vision)


AC>BC stands for?

Is this normal or abnormal?

- Air conduction is greater than bone conduction

-Normal finding when completing the Rinne test



Nursing measures to support patients with impaired vision include... (Name 2)

 - Announcing presence and announcing when leaving

- Allowing pt to take your arm

- Orienting pt to room

- Keeping the door open or closed 


The signs and symptoms of sinusitis... (Name 3)

- Pain/feeling of heaviness over the affected area

- Pain that feels like a toothache 

- Purulent drainage from the nose when maxillary sinuses affected

- WBC elevated

- Headache

- Fever


Which medication is used to dilate the pupils?



What are the characteristics of conductive hearing loss? 

-Difficulty hearing speech

-A sense that your own voice sounds different

-Hearing aides help, speak in a normal tone


Name the type of hearing loss where there is an interference with the transmission of sound waves from the external or middle ear to the inner ear.

Conductive hearing loss


Name the disorder of the eye where the flow of aqueous humor through the pupil is blocked and is considered acute and an emergency.

Angle-closure glaucoma


Age-related changes in the nose include... (Name 3)

- Nasal obstruction

- Epistaxis (nose bleeds)

- Decreased sense of smell

- Tissues of the larynx drier

- Weakened esophageal sphincter (reflux)

- Thinner mucous membranes


Which medication is used to constrict the pupils?



The patient informs the nurse that her hearing aid is not working. What are some actions the nurse can take?

-Ensure it is turned on

-Check to see if it needs cleaning

-Check battery placement

-Change battery

-Check cords


The nurse is caring for a patient with Meniere Disease who has a nursing diagnosis of "risk for injury." Name 3 nursing interventions the nurse should implement for this patient.

- Assist patient to bed and allow to remain still

- Bed in a low position and raised side rails

- Call light within reach

- Instruct pt to not get up without assistance

- Darken the room and keep the room quiet

- Postpone nonessential care

- Male pt --> Provide with a urinal 


What is the difference between myopia and hyperopia?

Myopia - nearsightedness/the lens is too far from the retina

Hyperopia - farsightedness/the lens is too close to the retina


List the correct steps for administering nose drops.

- Tilt the patient's head back

- Hold the dropper over the nostril and instill the medication

- Instruct pt to keep head back

- Do not let the dropper touch the nose


What is the term used for a medication that is to be administered in the ear? Eye?

Otic - ear

Optic - eye


What signs may indicate that a patient may have a hearing deficit? (Name 3)

-Complaining of others mumbling

-Leaning towards speaker/turning one ear

-Failing to follow directions

-Speaking while others are speaking

-High volume on TV/radio


-Suspicious of others


The nurse is caring for a patient who will be having an ENG test. The nurse should inform the patient to expect... (Name 3)

- NPO 3 hours before the test

- No alcohol/caffeine 24-48 hours prior to test

- Electrodes will be placed around their eyes and they will be asked to focus on specific targets

- Ears will be irrigated

- Pt will be turned in various positions on a special chair

- May experience nausea

- Bring glasses


Name the signs and symptoms of retinal detachment. 

- Seeing light flashes or floaters

- Cloudy vision

- Symptoms will depend on location and extent of detachment (ex: large detachment = possible complete loss of vision)

- Looks like a "curtain" has come down or across the line of vision


The priority assessments after nasal surgery include... (Name 3)

- Assess for bleeding (monitoring dressing saturation)

- Assess the back of the throat

- Assess for frequent swallowing

- Assess pain (interventions: ice packs, provide oral care)

- Assess respiratory status


What medications are prescribed during an acute attack of Meniere disease? (Name 3)

- Atropine

- Epinephrine

- Benzodiazepines

- Antihistamines 

- Antiemetic

- Anticholinergics

- Vasodilators

- Diuretics


What is the normal range for IOP?

10-20 mmHG