Where do you go to manually run everyone's AUTOPAY all at once?
Batch Process - Manual Autopay
What are the 6 paid Holidays?
New Years, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas.
What are our core values?
Compassion, Accountability, Humility, Integrity
What year was NSA founded?
When did we switch over to SSM from Yardi?
August, 2023
Where do you go to see all the allowances given at your location for any given month or time frame?
Accounting reports - Credits
Employees are reimbursed for mileage for business use at a rate of how much per mile?
67 cents
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday bank deposits should ONLY be made if what?
Your petty cash reaches $500 or more
Who is our Facilities Coordinator?
Jaime Carrillo
According to an April 2024 policy change; What are the minimum days a facility needs to be open?
Monday, Friday & Saturday
How much is an “NSF/Returned Check” fee?
How many vacation hours or days do you accrue throughout the year if you have worked for the company for 5 plus years?
40 Hours (5 Days)
What days are we supposed to be restarting the computer?
Tuesday & Friday
How many states does NSA Brands have storage facilities in?
35 or 42 are acceptable answers.
35 according to Megan Tlulstos OR 42 according to the website
If someone forfeits their $100 auction cleaning deposit, what do you need to do in SSM to log the transaction to be ready for our bank deposit?
Go to the stores company unit - buy merch - auction deposit
As a PM; How many days past a move out can you reinstate it? How many days for an AM?
Same day (0) for PM's, 3 days for AM's.
What is the current bonus we have in place for our team member referral program?
$500 for APM's / PM's & $1,000 for AM's & above.
How many hours are our stores scheduled to be open each week?
How much is NSA Brands Net Worth?
How many "Days Late" until a tenant is put into "Auction Pending" status?
Tenants need to sign autopay forms ONLY when they’re created by whom?
What is NSA’s Mission Statement?
To be the most rewarding self-storage company to all of our stakeholders through exceptional growth, value adding innovation and outstanding service
What is the policy in place for double coverage when it comes to taking lunch breaks?
Stagger lunch breaks so the store doesn't ever have to close.
How many stores does NSA currently own?
1,052 on the website or 885 according to Megan Tlustos (Acceptable answers between 885-1052 range)
What day is the "First Notice of Towing" sent?
Day 40