Who is the director of MEP
Who is Allison Ekpelu
The Acronym NSBE stands for
National Society of Black Engineers
When was UD founded?
When is 1850
What is the date of the next General Body meeting?
The President of UD NSBE Chapter
Who is Denis
What does MEP stand for?
Multi-Ethnic Engineers Program
The main purpose of FRC
What is Professional Development
Name of the Chapel on Campus
What is Chapel of the Immaculate Conception
When is Monday, February 3rd
Denis Birthday
What is January 20th
Name 3 of the 4 most popular minors of Mechanical Engineering at UD
What are Aerospace, Automotive Systems, Robotics, Biomechanics
The year NSBE was Founded
Name the UD Housing
Freshman (4)
Sophomore (3)
Junior (3)
Senior (2)
Marycrest, Stewart, Marianist, Founders
ESG, VWK, Campus South,
Lawnview, Art Street, Caldwell,
Irving Apartments, Neighborhood
What is 'Middle Child'
What is Denis' Nationality
Name a UD School of Engineering Student Ambassador
Who is: Aidan, Michael, Leah, Jenna, Amanuel, Emily, Liam ... etc
The region UD is in for NSBE
What is Region IV
The UD SGA president
Who is Aila Carr-Chellman
director of the Women Engineering Program & WISE floor advisor
Beth Hart
How tall is Denis within 1 inch
5' 8''
Name the six concentrations of Civil Engineering
Construction Geotechnical
Structural Environmental
Transportation Water Resources
The address of the NSBE house
What is 206 Lawnview
6' guard #11 on the basketball team
Who is Malachi Smith
late, Chicago born, Soundcloud rapper's who is Jalen's favorite
who is Juice WRLD
Denis girlfriend's name
who is Precious Henderson