What structures make up the CNS? The PNS?
CNS - Brain and Spinal Cord
PNS - Cranial and Spinal Nerves
What are the two types of cells in the nervous system?
Neurons and Glial Cells
What is the pre-synaptic neuron?
First neuron in a synapse that generates a message
What are the two divisions of the sagittal plane and their definitions?
Mid-sagittal - vertical plane into equal left and right portions
Para-sagittal - vertical plane not cut down the middle
What are electrical vs chemical signals?
Electrical Signals - called action potentials, within neurons
Chemical Signals - called synaptic transmission, between neurons
What are ganglia vs nucleus?
Both groups of soma
Ganglia - PNS
Nucleus - CNS
What is parasympathetic vs sympathetic?
Parasympathetic - rest/digest
Sympathetic - fight/flight
What is a neurotransmitter?
Chemical signal in the vesicle of pre-synaptic neurons
When is encephalization finished?
Around three months
What is hyperpolarization vs depolarization?
Hyperpolarization - Neuron becomes more negative inside
Depolarization - Neuron becomes more positive inside
What are nerves vs tracts?
Nerve - PNS
Tract - CNS
What do neurons do?
Produce, integrate, and respond to electrical signals
What are vesicles?
Sacs filled with chemical messages in the axon terminal of the pre-synaptic neuron
What are the gyri and sulci?
Gyri - ridges of the brain
Sulci - valleys or grooves of the brain
What is temporal summation?
Multiple signals sent from one pre-synaptic neuron in rapid succession
What are astrocytes?
Star-shaped cells that help to regulate the extracellular environment
What do glial cells do?
Support and nourish neurons
Do not generate electrical signals
What are neurotransmitter receptors?
Proteins on the dendrites of the post-synaptic neuron that bind to and respond to neurotransmitters released into the cleft
Name the five groups of vertebrae, the region they are in, and the numbers they range from
Cervical - neck - C1-C8
Thoracic - chest - T1-T12
Lumbar - lower back - L1-L5
Sacral - hip - S1-S5
Coccygeal - tailbone - Co1
What is reuptake?
Transport used neurotransmitters back into axon terminal of pre-synaptic neuron, repackaged into vesicles to use again
What are microglia?
Tiny mobile cells that clean up debris and have immune function
What do Schwann cells do?
Produce myelin around neurons in PNS
What does the axon terminal do?
Connects to the dendrites of other neurons and converts action potentials into chemical signals in synaptic transmission
What are the three germ layers and what do they form?
Endoderm - forms digestive and respiratory organs
Mesoderm - forms skeleton, muscles, kidneys, blood, and heart
Ectoderm - forms skin and nervous system
What is saltatory conduction vs continuous conduction?
Saltatory - myelin on axons, voltage-gated Na+ channels in Nodes of Ranvier, very fast
Continuous - No myelin on axons, voltage-gated Na+ channels on whole axon, very slow