Into to CH & Pt Edu
Family Dynamics & Health Promotion
Culture & Spirituality
Stress/Coping & Grief/Loss
Infection & Anti-Infectives

This is a method of community assessment that involves driving or walking through a community and and identifying needs and strengths.

Windshield Survey

(Community Assessments, Data Collection Methods)


This is a visual representation of familial relationships.

Family genogram


This population of the community is at particularly high risk for poor health outcomes due to their political status.

Undocumented immigrants


People who suffer from this diagnosis feel intense tension and worry even when no stressors are present.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


When administering antibiotics, the healthcare team prioritizes effective therapy with limited adverse effects to the patient by choosing drugs that exhibit this quality.

Selective Toxicity


This theoretical framework is used to predict individuals' health behavior by exploring the individual's perceived susceptibility to illness and perceived benefits of making choices that promote health.

Health Belief Model

(Theoretical Frameworks)


These describe the health status of a community and serve as targets for the improvement of a community's health.

Health Indicators


Which treatment program would be most appropriate for homeless client with type 1 diabetes requires daily insulin injections?

Outpatient clinic.


A nurse is assessing a client who is experiencing crisis. This action is the priority for the nurse.

Assess for immediate safety needs.


This class of highly toxic antibiotics is reserved for severe infections because of the risk of nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity.



A community health nurse is providing care to a client in his home following a stroke. In which role is the community health working?

Home Health

(Practice Settings & Nursing Roles in the Community)


This important concept is an individual's ability to understand basic health information and make health related decisions.

Health Literacy


A client complains to the nurse that there are "gays" in the waiting room. Which irrational belief is the client displaying?



This characteristic is essential for individuals to adapt to crisis in a positive way.



This diagnostic test identifies a pathogen and the best anti-infective for targeted treatment.

Culture & Sensitivity


A nurse is taking vitals at a local health fair and identifies someone with high BP. She refers them to the free clinic. The nurse has applied this level of prevention.

Secondary Prevention

(Levels of Prevention)


This Family Assessment tool allows the nurse to rapidly assess family function or dysfunction.

Family APGAR


Assessing clients spiritual needs with the question "What spiritual beliefs are important to you?" Which step of the SPIRIT assessment model is using here.

Spiritual belief system.


This is the status of having lost a family member, friend, colleague, or other significant individual through death.



This antibiotic is used to treat skin, bone, and genitourinary infections, as well as otitis media and CA respiratory infections. While it isn't penicillin, the nurse should ask the patient if they're allergic to penicillin, and advise patients to avoid alcohol while taking it.

Beta-Lactams (Cephalosporins)

A nurse is examining the adequacy, efficiency, appropriateness, and cost benefit of a fall prevention program at the senior center. She is in what stage of the development of the community education program? 


(Development of a Community Health Education Program)


This characteristic of families is defined as the emotional bonding between family members, and it can be expressed on a continuum from disengaged to enmeshed.

Family Cohesion


During an admission assessment the nurse should ask the client about religious preference for what purpose?

Documentation of the client's religious belief.


This is defined as an expression of the sorrow of a loss and grief in a manner understood and approved by culture.


While taking this class of antibiotic, patients may experience photosensitivity and drink at least 1500-2000mL of fluids per day. The nurse should ask about any medications the patient is taking that contain calcium, aluminum, zinc, and iron, because they may interfere with absorption.
