The diagnosis of intellectual disability is based on the presence of

A. intelligence quotient (IQ) of 75 or less.

B. IQ of 70 or less.

C. subaverage intellectual functioning, deficits in adaptive skills, and onset at any age.

D. subaverage intellectual functioning, deficits in adaptive skills, and onset before 18 years of age. 

D. subaverage intellectual functioning, deficits in adaptive skills, and onset before 18 years of age.


The parents of a child with fragile X syndrome want to have another baby. They tell the nurse that they worry another child might be similarly affected. What is the most appropriate nursing action?

A. Reassure them that the syndrome is not inherited.

B. Assess for family history of the syndrome.

C. Recommend that they do not have another child.

D. Explain that prenatal diagnosis of the syndrome is now available. 

D. Explain that prenatal diagnosis of the syndrome is now available.


A 5-year-old has bilateral eye patches in place after surgery one day earlier. Today, the child can be out of bed. The most appropriate nursing intervention is to

A. reassure the child and allow the parents to stay.

B. allow the child to assist in self-feeding.

C. speak to the child when entering the room.

D. orient the child to the immediate surroundings. 

D. orient the child to the immediate surroundings.


You are taking care of a middle aged child who has a hearing deficit in the hospital setting and uses lipreading as part of her communication pattern. Which factor would help to enhance this interaction?

A. Make sure that one of her parents and/or family members is in the room with her at all times to facilitate communication.

B. Stand approximately 50 feet away from the child so that she can best visualize your face.

C. Keep sentence structure short. 

D. Speak at a fast paced rate.

C. Keep sentence structure short.


The primary goal in caring for the child with cognitive impairment is to

A. encourage play.

B. promote optimum development. 

C. help families develop a care plan and have them stay with it.

D. develop vocational skills.

B. promote optimum development.


A 6-year-old has difficulty hearing faint or distant speech. The child’s speech is normal, but the child is having problems with school performance. This hearing loss would most likely be classified as

A. slight. 

B. severe.

C. moderate.

D. inattentiveness rather than hearing loss.

A. slight.


Which statement is accurate regarding Fragile X syndrome?

A. It presents as autosomal recessive pattern

B. Carrier states do not exist

C. It presents as X-linked dominant with reduced penetrance 

D. It is transferred from carrier father to daughter

C. It presents as X-linked dominant with reduced penetrance


The parents of a cognitively impaired child ask the nurse for guidance with discipline. The most appropriate recommendation by the nurse is that

A. discipline is ineffective with cognitively impaired children.

B. discipline is not necessary for cognitively impaired children.

C. behavior modification is an excellent form of discipline. 

D. physical punishment is the most appropriate form of discipline.

C. behavior modification is an excellent form of discipline.


Early detection of a hearing impairment is critical because of its effect on a variety of areas of a child’s life. Which one is of critical importance?

A. Reading development

B. Speech development 

C. Relationships with peers

D. Performance at school

B. Speech development


The correct interpretation of the term, legal blindness refers to?

A. A medical diagnosis that indicates visual impairment is a priority problem.

B. Acuity tests reveal a finding of 20/100 in both eyes.

C. A legal definition that determines whether the individual can receive benefits from government or ancillary agencies. 

D. That the individual requires glasses in order to be able to see properly.

C. A legal definition that determines whether the individual can receive benefits from government or ancillary agencies.


The genetic testing of a child with Down syndrome showed that the disorder was caused by chromosomal translocation. The parents ask about further genetic testing. Based on the nurse’s knowledge of genetics, the most appropriate recommendation is

A. no further genetic testing of the family is indicated.

B. the child should be retested to confirm the diagnosis of Down syndrome.

C. the mother should be tested if she is over age 35.

D. the parents can be tested, since it might be hereditary. 

D. the parents can be tested, since it might be hereditary.


What is defined as reduced visual acuity in one eye despite appropriate optical correction?

A. Myopia

B. Hyperopia

C. Amblyopia 

D. Astigmatism

C. Amblyopia


Parents bring in their son for evaluation of hearing telling the nurse that he seems to hear what is going on around him but that at times the child is unable to fully understand what is being asked of him. Which observations by the nurse would lead to suspicion of sensorineural hearing loss?

A. Child states that he hears things but they are not loud.

B. Parents state that they listen to music in the home for several hours each evening. 

C. Child has a recent middle ear infection which was treated with antibiotics.

D. Child denies having any ear pain or discomfort.

B. Parents state that they listen to music in the home for several hours each evening.


A 2-week-old infant with Down syndrome is being seen in the clinic. The mother tells the nurse that the infant is difficult to hold. “The baby is like a rag doll and doesn’t cuddle up to me like my other babies did.” The nurse interprets the infant’s behavior as a

A. sign of maternal deprivation.

B. sign of detachment and rejection.

C. sign of autism associated with Down syndrome.

D. result of the physical characteristics of Down syndrome. 

D. result of the physical characteristics of Down syndrome.


Autism is a complex developmental disorder. Which of the following core deficits can be associated with this disorder? (Select all that apply.)

A. Social interactions are affected. 

B. Gastrointestinal symptoms are severe in nature.

C. Alterations in ability to commmunicate. 

D. Behavioral changes are exhibited. 

E. Child responds attentively when called by his/her name.

A. Social interactions are affected.

C. Alterations in ability to commmunicate.

D. Behavioral changes are exhibited.


Diagnostic testing for treatable inborn errors of metabolism in the newborn include confirmation of which disease processes? (Select all that apply.)

A. Down’s syndrome

B. Galactosemia 

C. Phenylketonuria 

D. Hyperthyroidism

E. Neural tube defect

B. Galactosemia

C. Phenylketonuria