What is the cause of ringworm, a skin disorder frequently found in schoolchildren?

A. Virus

B. Fungus 

C. Allergic reaction

D. Bacterial infection

B. Fungus


Which statement is accurate with regard to the presence of granulation tissue in a wound that is healing?

A. There is decreased vascular flow to the area.

B. Beefy red tissue is present. 

C. It is composed mostly of neutrophils that help stabilize the area.

D. There is a high proportion of collagen in the healed area.

B. Beefy red tissue is present.


A nurse suspects that the child has contact dermatitis on his right foot. Which observation supports this potential diagnosis?

A. Both feet are affected showing similar presentations of edema.

B. There is a clear difference between normal and inflamed skin on the right foot. 

C. The child denies pruritic discomfort on the right foot.

D. Pulses are equal and strong bilaterally.

B. There is a clear difference between normal and inflamed skin on the right foot.


What is an important nursing consideration when caring for a child with impetigo contagiosa?

A. Apply topical corticosteroids to decrease inflammation.

B. Examine the child under a Wood lamp for possible spread of lesions.

C. Thoroughly wash hands and maintain cleanliness when caring for an infected child. 

D. Carefully remove dressings so as not to dislodge undermined skin, crusts, and debris.

C. Thoroughly wash hands and maintain cleanliness when caring for an infected child.


What information would the nurse include when explaining how to manage pediculosis capitis?

A. Cut hair shorter if infestation and nits are severe.

B. Wash all nits out of hair with a regular shampoo.

C. Remove nits with a fine-tooth comb or tweezers. 

D. Distinguish viable from nonviable nits and remove all viable ones.

C. Remove nits with a fine-tooth comb or tweezers.


Which type of wound healing has the most potential for complications occur during the healing process?

A. A wound that heals by primary intention.

B. A surgical wound with staples used to close the incision.

C. A surgical wound that heals by tertiary intention. 

D. A small stab puncture wound that heals by secondary intention.

C. A surgical wound that heals by tertiary intention.


A child who had been treated for scabies three months ago along with all family members and care givers is now going to have a birthday party. The parents ask the nurse what measures they can take to ensure that there is no potential of infection to their invited guests. How should the nurse respond?

A. Tell the parents that they should not have the party at their home.

B. Use gloves to serve food products to guests.

C. Use hand hygiene during all aspects of the party where needed. 

D. Tell the parents that they may need to use the medication again to make sure there is no further spread.

C. Use hand hygiene during all aspects of the party where needed.


What is the appropriate term to describe an abnormal sensation such as burning or prickling?

A. Paresthesia 

B. Hyperesthesia

C. Hypesthesia

D. Anesthesia

A. Paresthesia


The mother of a child tells the nurse that her son keeps scratching the areas where he has poison ivy. What is the basis of knowledge for the response by the nurse?

A. Disturbing the lesions will cause the poison ivy to spread.

B. After the lesions have formed, no further damage can be done.

C. Poison ivy does not itch, so this needs further investigation.

D. Scratching the lesions may cause them to become secondarily infected. 

D. Scratching the lesions may cause them to become secondarily infected.


The nurse is providing instruction to parents of a small child who requires a dressing change. Which statement by the parents indicates that additional teaching is needed?

A. “I will wash my hands prior to doing the dressing change”.

B. “The dressing is needed in order to protect the surgical site”.

C. “I will not apply any soap to the surgical site area”.

D. “I will apply a dry gauze dressing taping it securely on all sides”. 

D. “I will apply a dry gauze dressing taping it securely on all sides”.


The nurse is providing discharge planning to parents of a toddler who sustained a dog bite from the family pet. What instruction should the nurse provide?

A. Have the toddler play sit next to the dog while he is being fed to promote bonding.

B. Keep the toddler away from the dog at all times.

C. Monitor the interactions with the toddler and the dog. 

D. Have the toddler keep the dog’s favorite toy in his room at all times.

C. Monitor the interactions with the toddler and the dog.


When determining the etiology of a skin problem, what is essential to the diagnosis of the lesions?

A. Careful inspection 

B. Skin products used

C. Type of laundry detergent

D. Whether the siblings have similar lesions

A. Careful inspection


A child complains of pain upon touch by the nurse upon examination. The nurse observes no source of skin irritation on the area however, noted in the child’s history is a burn injury to the area. What should the nurse suspect?

A. There is healed scar tissue which is not apparent to the naked eye.

B. The use of a Woods’ lamp is needed to look for a parasitic infection.

C. The child may be experiencing allodynia. 

D. The child is seeking attention having been through a pass traumatic event.

C. The child may be experiencing allodynia.


Which action should the nurse utilize when cleaning a stye with exudate on a young child?

A. Use cool water to flush the affected area.

B. Cleanse from the outer to the inner area of the eye.

C. Use a clean warm washcloth. 

D. Use a sterile gauze dressing to remove the exudate.

C. Use a clean warm washcloth.


What factors promote(s) wound healing? (Select all that apply.)

A. Adequate nutrition 

B. Eschar formation

C. Dry wound environment

D. Moist, crust-free wound environment 

A. Adequate nutrition

D. Moist, crust-free wound environment


Which factors may increase the presence of acne in the adolescent population? (Select all that apply.)

A. Genetic history 

B. Contact with restaurant food hot oils 

C. Cosmetics that contain vegetable oils 

D. Amenorrhea

E. Increased intake of ice cream 

A. Genetic history

B. Contact with restaurant food hot oils 

C. Cosmetics that contain vegetable oils

E. Increased intake of ice cream


A child is brought into the Emergency Room for treatment of an insect bite. Which type of bite(s) should the nurse anticipate has requiring immediate treatment? (Select all that apply.)

A. Brown recluse spider. 

B. Red ant bite.

C. Multiple bee bites. 

D. Scorpion bite. 

A. Brown recluse spider.

C. Multiple bee bites.

D. Scorpion bite.


Which measures should the nurse implement to prevent pruritus from occurring post skin infection? (Select all that apply.)

A. Trim fingernails to avoid irritation. 

B. Wrap the area in question with a warm blanket.

C. Administer Benadryl as needed. 

D. Use polyester blend materials for linens to increase comfort.

E. Keeping the skin area cool. 

A. Trim fingernails to avoid irritation.

C. Administer Benadryl as needed.

E. Keeping the skin area cool.