Low vs. High
What do we teach?
Patient Teaching Considerations
Learning Domains

A patient states to the interviewing nurse, "I've heard that the Flu vaccine can cause infertility; at least, that's what someone said on Love Island last night, I think. Anyway, whenever I hear stuff like that, I'm glad I don't get it." This patient exhibits.

What is Low Health Literacy?


A nurse educates a group of expectant mothers on actions to avoid infections and other complications during pregnancy, including routine prenatal care, eating a balanced diet, and hygiene practices. This education emphasizes what?

What is preventing disease?

Rationale: Educating expectant mothers on prenatal care and hygiene practices helps prevent infections that could adversely affect their health and the health of their unborn babies; eating a balanced diet can reduce the likelihood of potential complications such as gestational diabetes.


This is a crucial factor when educating children, and requires this from parents.

Answer: What is participation/presence

Rationale: In pediatric nursing, parental involvement is crucial for children's understanding and compliance with healthcare instructions and treatments.


When educating patients with written material, it is important to remember that most adults read between these grade levels.

What is a 5th-8th grade level


A patient states; "My primary care provider recently adopted a health information portal, it allows me to view my health information and lets me easily share that with the diabetes educator I see." This patient demonstrates

What is High Health Literacy


A nurse designs a wellness program for elderly residents in a nursing home to enhance their overall quality of life. Engaging in practices such as this emphasizes what?

What is promoting health?

Rationale: By designing wellness programs specifically for elderly residents, nurses promote their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, contributing to a better quality of life.


These characteristics often lead adults to be more ________ and _________ in managing their health.

Answer: What is self-motivation and independence?

Rationale: Adults often take a more proactive role in managing their health than children and may require less supervision and guidance.


A patient’s ability to read, write, and comprehend healthcare materials enhances this health-related concept in patients

What is Health Literacy?


A patient reports that they have recently completed their marketplace insurance application and have been approved for a tax credit to offset the cost of their new insurance plan. The patient states, "the best part is I can still see my primary care provider." This patient demonstrates.

What is High Health Literacy


A nurse demonstrates to a patient recovering from surgery how to change wound dressings correctly. This education is best categorized as what?

Answer: What is providing treatment instructions?

Rationale: Proper wound care is crucial for preventing infections and promoting healing post-surgery. Nurses play a vital role in teaching patients how to change wound dressings.


A nurse educating older adults with cognitive or sensory alterations should include the following adjustments to facilitate learning: allowing ample time for absorption and ensuring minimal distractions, and this.

Answer: What is providing simple information?

Rationale: Older adults with cognitive or sensory alterations benefit from a conducive learning environment with simplified information and reduced distractions.


Integrating patient education with values, feelings, motivation, beliefs, and attitudes is an essential component of this domain of learning.

What is the Affective Domain?


A patient states, "My father is a cancer survivor and is classified as immunocompromised. I know the COVID-19 vaccine is available, and he has been vaccinated because of his diagnosis, but I don't want my daughter to get it. Does this mean we should not visit anymore?" This patient exhibits

What is Low Health Literacy


A nurse clarifies the dietary restrictions and medication regimen for a patient newly diagnosed with diabetes. This teaching is an example of what?

Answer: What is clarifying information?

Rationale: Clear communication about dietary restrictions and medication management is essential for patients with diabetes to manage their condition and prevent complications effectively. Nurses ensure patients understand these crucial aspects of self-care.


A nurse should consider this when educating patients with a new diagnosis, especially when dealing with pain or fatigue.

Answer: What is timing?

Rationale: Timing education sessions appropriately ensures patients are receptive and can absorb information effectively, especially when dealing with new diagnoses or managing symptoms like pain and fatigue.


Written information, demonstration, use of examples, and patient teach-back methods are examples of this learning domain.

What is the Cognitive Domain?


This organization is responsible for the publication of Healthy People 2030, which lists many considerations regarding whether an individual has proficient health literacy.

What is the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion?


A nurse supports a young adult with a spinal cord injury in adapting to new physical limitations and maintaining independence. Assisting in this manner demonstrates what kind of teaching?

Answer: What is coping?

Rationale: Spinal cord injuries often require significant lifestyle adjustments. Nurses help patients cope by providing strategies for adapting to physical limitations while promoting independence and quality of life.


When educating patients from diverse cultural backgrounds, the nurse must consider these essential factors: understanding and respecting cultural norms, providing information in the patient's preferred language, and using this tool if necessary.

Answer: What are interpreters?

Rationale: Cultural competence and language proficiency are critical in nursing education to bridge communication gaps and deliver information effectively across diverse patient populations.


A patient demonstrating to a nurse how to check blood sugar via fingerstick and draw up insulin is an example of this learning domain.

What is the Psychomotor Domain