This is an emergent finding that indicates a skull fracture
This type of ulcer appears as dark in color, weeping, irregular borders
This is the cause of a bruit
stenosis, or narrowed artery. bruits can occur in any artery; murmurs occur in the heart
This is where you place your stethoscope to auscultate the apices of the lungs
A focal bleed below a neonate's scalp after birth
red, bulging, bones and cone of light obscured
This is one reason for delayed capillary refill
poor circulation or low blood volume, such as arterial disease, dehydration
Carotids are auscultated one at a time to avoid this
The first RN intervention to take after hearing crackles
ask the pt to cough, then reassess lung sounds
What increased stiffness in the thorax can lead to in the geriatric population
SOB, increased risk of infection
These lymph nodes are bilaterally enlarged, warm, tender, moveable
infected. malignant are enlarged, typically unilaterally, cool, non tender, non moveable. normal are rubbery, discrete, non tender
This is an emergent finding characterized as acute onset unilateral lower extremity bruising, swelling, pain
DVT. Risk factors include: sedentary, bedbound, cancer, smoking, varicose veins
Mitral stenosis. Mitral regurgitation is louder and radiates to the axilla
This pathologic sound is described as "two pieces of leather rubbing together"
pleural friction rub 2/2 pleuritis. Maybe with or without effusion
This is what happens to blood vessels in pregnancy
name one sign of dehydration
sunken fontanels in peds; dry mucosa in any population
This is one characteristic of lymphedema to distinguish it from a systemic cause
unilateral, s/p surgery or XRT, fibrosis, cellulitis, "heavy"
When evaluating chest pain, this system is the first one to rule out as the cause
ABC's. Cardiac- MI.
This is the reason you would hear hyperresonance on percussion
air- emphysema, pneumothorax
Name one population/circumstance when a murmur is physiologic
first 72 hours after birth, pregnancy (systolic), kids up to 7 (systolic)
The test to perform after you find an asymmetric corneal reflex
A pt c/o claudication describes which type of vascular disease
claudication is pain when walking, relieve with rest, indicative of peripheral arterial disease
This is the vein you are evaluating to determine if a patient is fluid overloaded
jugular vein
Prominent nasal flaring and use of accessory muscles are indicative of
respiratory distress
Kawasaki. A vasculitis that can lead to cardiac implications later in life. Also characterized with painless adenopathy and circumoral pallor