Fluid & Electrolyte Imbalance
Enteral v. Parental nutrition

This electrolyte is involved in protein synthesis as well as resting and action potentials of nerves and muscle cells. Its normal Range is 3.5-5.0mEq/L



The nurse identifies that a vegetarian understands the importance of eating kidney beans when the client indicates that they are essential because they contain which nutrient?



Your patient has been vomiting for the past 3 days. They appear extremely confused and restless and are experiencing muscle weakness. They soon begin having a seizure. What electrolyte imbalance do you expect this patient is experiencing?



The nurse is monitoring strict intake and output and daily weights for a patient to assess accurate fluid volume status. The nurse becomes concerned when she notes the patient has lost 3lbs in the last 24 hours as she knows her patient is at risk for?

Hypovolemia (fluid volume deficit)


Which action is initially taken by the nurse to verify the correct position of a newly placed NG feeding tube?

A. Placing an order for x-ray film examination to check the position
B. Confirming the distal mark on the feeding tube after taping
C. Testing the pH of the gastric contents and observing the color
D. Auscultating over the gastric area as air is injected into the tube

A. Placing an order for x-ray film examination to check the position


Playing a key role in the production and activation of ATP this electrolyte regulates neuromuscular and cardiac function and is required for synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. Its normal range falls between 1.5-2.5mEq/L



A nurse administers an antiemetic medication to a client who has vomited. Three hours later the client tells the nurse that she is hungry and would like something to eat. Which of the following food is best for the nurse to offer the client?

A: chicken broth

B: buttered toast

C: hot tea

D: apple juice 

D: apple juice 


Your patient presents with irritability, cardiac dysrhythmias, muscle cramping, and complains of numbness and tingling of their mouth. On exam you note a positive Chvostek’s sign. You suspect what electrolyte imbalance?



The nurse is teaching a program on healthy nutrition at the senior community center. Which points should be included in the program for older adults? (Select all that apply.)
A. Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, which impair drug absorption.
B. Increase the amount of carbohydrates for energy.
C. Take a multivitamin that includes vitamin D for bone health.
D. Cheese and eggs are good sources of protein.
E. Limit fluids to decrease the risk of edema.

A. Avoid grapefruit and grapefruit juice, which impair drug absorption.

C. Take a multivitamin that includes vitamin D for bone health.
D. Cheese and eggs are good sources of protein.


The nurse is assessing a patient receiving enteral feedings via a small-bore nasogastric tube. Which assessment findings need a further intervention?

A. Gastric pH of 4.0 during placement check
B. Weight gain of 1 pound over the course of a week
C. Active bowel sounds in the four abdominal quadrants
D. Gastric residual aspirate of 350 mL for the second consecutive time

D. Gastric residual aspirate of 350 mL for the second consecutive time


With a role in cellular metabolism and ATP production this electrolyte is essential for carbohydrate metabolism and has a normal range between 3-4.5mg/dL



The home care nurse is seeing the following patients. Which patient is at greatest risk for experiencing inadequate nutrition?

A. A 55-year-old obese man recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
B. A recently widowed 76-year-old woman recovering from a mild stroke
C. A 22-year-old mother with a 3-year-old toddler who had tonsillectomy surgery
D. A 46-year-old man recovering at home following coronary artery bypass surgery

B: A recently widowed 76-year old woman recovering from a mild stroke


Your patient presents with irritability, muscle weakness and numbness. They complain of stomach cramping and on assessment you note an irregular pulse and hyperactive bowel sounds. The heart monitor shows a dysrhythmia. You expect the doctor will place an order for calcium gluconate to treat what electrolyte imbalance?



Overweight is defined as a BMI of ____ to ____



The nurse sees the nursing assistive personnel (NAP) perform the following for a patient receiving continuous enteral feedings. What intervention does the nurse need to address immediately with the NAP? The NAP:

A. Fastens the tube to the gown with tape.
B. Places the patient supine while giving a bath.
C. Performs oral care for the patient.
D. Elevates the head of the bed 45 degrees.

B. Places the patient supine while giving a bath 


Its key role is to maintain serum osmolarity and is required for the formation of stomach acid. Normal range is 98-106mEq/L 



The nurse is caring for a patient experiencing dysphagia. Which interventions help decrease the risk of aspiration during feeding? (Select all that apply.)

A. Sit the patient upright in a chair.
B. Give liquids at the end of the meal.
C. Place food on the strong side of the mouth.
D. Provide thin foods to make it easier to swallow.
E. Feed the patient slowly, allowing time to chew and swallow.
F. Encourage the patient to lie down to rest for 30 minutes after eating

A. Sit the patient upright in a chair.

C. Place food on the strong side of the mouth.

E. Feed the patient slowly, allowing time to chew and swallow.


You are assessing your patients morning labs and note the following levels: K 4.0mEq/L, Ca 9.6mg/dL, Mg 1.5mEq/L, PO 5.5mg/dL, Cl 102mEq/L. You anticipate orders from the doctor to treat electrolyte imbalance?



A nurse checks a meal tray for a client on a clear liquid diet. Which item is acceptable on this diet?

1. Ginger ale

2. Lemon sherbet

3. Vanilla ice cream

4. Cream of chicken soup

1. Ginger ale


This enteral feeding method administers a LARGE volume of formula (700mL max, usual 250-500mL) over a SHORT period of time, usually in 15-30min, 4-6x daily
a. Bolus feeding
b. Intermittent tube feeding
c. Cyclic feeding
d. Continuous infusion method

A. Bolus feeding


Also found in teeth and bones this essential electrolyte plays a role in blood clotting, nerve impulse transmission, cardiac conduction, & muscle contraction. It has a normal range of 9-10.5mg/dL



The nurse teaches a patient who has had surgery to increase which nutrient to help with tissue repair?

A. Fat
B. Protein
C. Vitamin
D. Carbohydrate

B. Protein 


Your patient is experiencing lethargy, dry sticky membranes and a red swollen tongue. While reviewing the doctor's orders for your patient you see orders to discontinue the patients normal saline infusion. The patients diet order has also been changed to a low sodium diet. You know that this was done to help treat what electrolyte imbalance?



A nurse is monitoring a client who is receiving IV fluid. Which clinical findings indicate that the client has fluid overload?

1. Chills, fever, and generalized discomfort

2. Blood in the tubing close to the insertion site

3. Dyspnea, headache, and increased blood pressure

4. Pallor, swelling, and discomfort at the insertion site

3. Dyspnea, headache, and increased blood pressure


The patient receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN) asks the nurse why his blood glucose is being checked since he does not have diabetes. What is the best response by the nurse?

A. TPN can cause hyperglycemia, and it is important to keep your blood glucose level in an acceptable range.
B. The high concentration of dextrose in the TPN can give you diabetes; thus you need to be monitored closely.
C. Monitoring your blood glucose level helps to determine the dose of insulin that you need to absorb the TPN.
D. Checking your blood glucose level regularly helps to determine if the TPN is effective as a nutrition intervention.

A. TPN can cause hyperglycemia, and it is important to keep your blood glucose level in an acceptable range