Personality Disorders Clusters A & C
Personality Disorders Cluster B
Somatic Disorders
Neurodevelopmental & Neurocognitive Disorders
Medications 2

This predisposes clients for risk of ALL Cluster A personality disorders

What is a family history of schizophrenia? 

(Which Cluster A disorder has the highest risk of developing schizophrenia?)


Power struggles are a key challenge for this personality disorder

What is narcissistic personality disorder?


Patients with this anxiety disorder may avoid places where help is not readily available

What is agoraphobia?


These two self-destructive disorders temporarily reduce anxiety

What is trichotillomania (hair pulling) & excoriation (skin picking)?


This neurocognitive disorder is very similar to the early presentation of Alzheimer's Disease

What is mild cognitive disorder?

The difference is 50% of people don't progress to dementia and this disorder can be addressed with reminders, planning, and social support


This is an important nursing intervention for an ADHD diagnosed client taking stimulant drugs

What is give them no later than 4pm/avoid giving at night?


This classification of drugs is used for short-term maintenance of anxiety

What are benzodiazepines?

What is the antidote?


Patients with this personality disorder are not typically interested in therapy

What is schizotypal personality disorder?

Clients with this disorder may have experienced past trauma contributing to their condition (neglect, abuse, sexual abuse)

What is borderline personality disorder?


This is one (of three) coping mechanisms that patients with anxiety may use adaptively or maladaptively

What is blocking feelings, blocking memories, or blocking conflicts?

Are these coping mechanisms usually adaptive or maladaptive?


This is the difference between malingering & factitious disorder imposed upon self

What is secondary gain vs. emotional want?


This communication disorder may cause the individual to stutter over their words

What is child-onset fluency disorder?

Is treatment effective?

This drug is often used for mood swings in narcissistic and borderline personality disorders

What is lithium?


This non-stimulant drug is the first-line treatment for tic disorders but the second-line treatment for ADHD

What is atomoxetine?

What is a primary side effect?


The nurse evaluate themselves for countertransference when caring for a patient with this personality disorder

What is dependent personality disorder?


These two personality disorders have a high likelihood of suicidal ideation and suicidal behaviors

What is borderline & histrionic personality disorder?


It is important to first rule this out before considering an anxiety diagnosis

What is a medical cause?

What are some medical causes of anxiety?


This is the first-line psychological therapy treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorders

What is exposure response prevention?

What is an example of this?


This is the desired response for patients with tic disorders when doing comprehensive behavioral intervention for tics

What is a competing muscle movement or intentional sound?


This nonbenzodiazepine anxiolytic drug is used for long-term maintenance of anxiety and can take 2-4 weeks for therapeutic effect

What is buspirone?


The two drugs approved for use in autism, risperidone & aripiprazole can cause these two symptoms which can become embarrassing

What is gynecomastia & galactorrhea?


Treatment for these two disorders includes improving the ability for the client to adjust to a non-perfect day

What is avoidant & obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?

People with this personality disorder may exhibit deceitful or manipulative tactics in order to get what they want

What is antisocial personality disorder?


This behavioral therapy for anxiety can include saying "STOP" out loud or snapping a rubber band around their wrist

What is thought stopping?


This is the phenomenon where clients presenting with functional neurologic disorder do not express concern about the loss of neurological function

What is La Belle Difference?

What could be some neurological deficits associated?


These are the 4 "A"s of Alzheimer's Disease

What is aphasia, agraphia, agnosia, & apraxia?

Other clinical manifestations are confabulation, perseveration, hyperorality, & sundowning


This drug is the primary stimulant mixed with amphetamine salts is used for ADHD treatment

What is methylphenidate?


Risperidone & aripiprazole can cause these extrapyramidal side effects

What is an acute dystonic reaction of the neck, eyes, or tongue. Prolonged spasms are a medical emergency.


Nurse Whitney is caring for a patient with paranoid personality disorder and recommends group therapy for the client. Is this a good recommendation for them? Why or why not?

No--group therapy is often threatening to individuals with paranoid personality disorder. Individual therapy is a better choice.


Nurse Jessalyn is caring for a patient with borderline personality disorder (BPD). What are at least two important things to consider when dealing with borderline personality disorder patients?

1. It's not personal

2. Enforce limits & consistency

3. Recognize fear of abandonment

4. Suicide risk


Nurse Emily is helping a patient recover from a severe anxiety attack. What are at least 3 interventions for this patient during the attack?

Remaining calm, reducing stimuli, repeating clear/simple statements, using a low-pitched voice, reinforcing reality (exterminating hallucinations), provide outlets for exercise, offering high calorie foods if patient is pacing, provide safety


Nurse Jahriyah has a friend who is constantly looking in the mirror and considering her 7th cosmetic surgery. At what point should Jahriyah consider a hospital admission for her friend?

When her friend becomes suicidal.

What disorder does her friend have?


In order to be diagnosed with an intellectual disability, the client must exhibit deficits in these 3 areas

What is intellectual, social, and daily functioning?


This drug is used to reduce self-injurious behaviors in disorders such as BPD & Autism

What is naltrexone?


How many animals does Tobias McWatters have?


(7 if you count Minh Le)