Waabishkaa daabishko mazina'igan.
What is white like the paper?
Miskoonaagwad daabishko azhigan.
What is pink like the sock?
The sun is shining warmly.
What is gizhaasige a' giizis?
It is cold.
What is gisinaa?
What is mishiimin?
Miskwaa daabishko biikwaakwad.
What is red like the ball?
Makade-ozaawaa daabishko waakaa'igan.
What is brown like the house?
It is raining.
What is gimiwan?
It is windy.
What is noodin?
What is ode'imin?
Miskwaa daabishko mashkimod.
What is black like the bag?
What is purple like the flower?
It is thundering.
What is animikiikaa?
Is it hot.
What is gizhaate?
What is miinan?
Ozaawaa daabishko waabowaan.
What is yellow like the blanket?
Ozaawaa daabishko ozaawaaminagad.
What is orange like the orange?
It is snowing.
What is zoogipon?
Is it sprinkling.
What is awanibiisaa?
What is zhoominag?
Ozhaawashkwaa daabishko aniibiish.
What is green like the leaf?
Ozhaawashkwaa daabishko wiiwakwaan.
What is blue like the hat?
It is cloudy.
What is ningwakwad?
It is humid.
What is tapiiwan?
What is ozaawaaminigad?