Toddler & Preschool
Anything Goes
Culture & Spiritual Care
Nasogastric Tube

These include startling, sucking, rooting, grasping, yawning, coughing, plantar and palmar grasp, and Babinski is this type of what. 


Pg 91


In this stage of Erickson's Psychosocial Development, the toddler learns independence, separation anxiety continues, aggression may be shown with (bedwetting or thumb sucking), and the toddler engages in parallel play. 

Erikson's Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

Pg 97


Dr. Willoughby has an IV in her right hand.  She has complaints of tenderness and pain, the area is edematous and red.  There is also a red line up her arm. What does the nurse suspect to be the cause of Dr. Willoughby's discomfort?


Pg 297


This term means that the nurse understands and addresses the entire cultural context of each client within the realm of the care they deliver.

This term also includes appreciating, accepting, and respecting all individuals’ cultural influences, beliefs, customs, and values. 

Cultural Competence

Pg 193


To prevent aspiration, the nurse should keep the head of the bed elevated to at least what degree?

Sim-Fowler's position or elevate the Head of the Bed to a minimum of 30 degrees.

Pg 327


Giving an infant a bottle when falling asleep and prolonged exposure to milk or juice can lead to.

Dental Caries

Pg 92


You are teaching a toddler's parents interventions that will aid in preventing accidental drownings.  List 2 things that can aid in preventing accidental drownings. 

Do not leave the toddler alone or unattended in the bathtub.

Keep toilet lids closed.

Closely supervise students at the pool or any other body of water.

Teach toddlers how to swim.

Pg 98


Mrs. Garcia is 4 hours post-op with a catheter that is draining clear, yellow urine.  Nurse Tyra knows that Mrs. Garcia's urinary output is within the normal expected range when she has a minimum of how many mls of urine in her urinary drainage bag. 

120 mls of urine 


A nurse is caring for a client who tells the nurse that, based on religious values, a blood transfusion is not an acceptable treatment option. Name an action the nurse should not do.

Offer their opinion or convince the client to accept the blood transfusion.

ATI Page 196


After inserting the NG tube, how does the nurse check for placement? 

Aspirate gastric contents and test PH (4 or less is expected), and assess odor, color, and consistency.  

Pg 326


List one characteristic of Erikson's Stages of Development that is indicative of trust vs Mistrust. 

Achieving this task is gased on the quality of the caregiver-infant relationship and care recieved.

Infant learns delayed gratification

Trust is developed by meeting comfort and feeding. Mistrust develops if needs not met.

Reflexive behaviors develop. 

Attachment is seen when infants begin to bond. 

Separation anxiety develops around 4 to 8 months.

Stranger fear become evident between 6 to 8 months. 

Reactive detachment disorder

Pg 92


In this stage of Erikson's Psychosocial Development, the preschooler takes on many new experiences.  When preschooler is unable to accomplish a task, they feel guilty and believe they have misbehaved.  

Initiative vs Guilt

Pg 101


Name three factors related to health disparities that affect access to healthcare.

Access to transportation/health care, health insurance, religion, geographic location, sensory deficits, physical disabilities, mental health, cognitive disabilities, socioeconomic status, race, and ethnicity.

Engage Fundamentals Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity Module


In most Western cultures, this entity is considered as a sign of attentiveness and respect, however, in other cultures, this can be seen as a sign of mental illness, guilt, secrecy, or disrespect.  

Eye contact

Pg 192


Your patient is receiving a continuous enteral feeding. What would be the nursing priority if aspiration is suspected? 

Withhold the  feeding

Pg 328


List 3 major potential injuries that are associated with this age group.

Aspiration (avoid small objects that can be lodged in the throat)

Bodily Harm (keep sharp objects out of reach)

Burns (check the temp of bath water/ change batteries in smoke detectors)


Poisoning (avoid lead paint, keep toxins and plants out of reach)

Motor Vehicle Injuries (car seats)

Suffocation (keep balloons and plastic bags away, do not use pillows in crib, place infants back to sleep)

Pg 94


List 1 way to prevent bodily harm for Preschoolers.

Keep firearms in a locked cabinet or container.

Teach stranger safety.

Wear Helmets when riding a bicycle or tricycle.

Wear protective equipment during physical activity (helmet, pads).

Remove doors from unused refrigerators of other equipment.

pg 103


For the body system review, the proper examination sequence is first inspection, then palpation, followed by percussion and auscultation.  The exception to this rule is the assessment of the abdomen.  What is the correct sequence when assessing the abdomen?

Inspect, auscultate, percuss, and then palpate. 

Pg 131


This is the distribution of the same resources, including opportunities, to all individuals within a

Health Equality

Engage Fundamentals Lesson 26 Diversity PowerPoint

Slide 10


Name two of the four indicators for Nasogastric Intubation. 

Decompression - Removal of gas or stomach contents.

Feeding - Alternative to the oral route for administering nutritional supplements.

Lavage- Washing out the stomach to treat active bleeding or indigestion of poisoning.

Compression - Using an internal balloon to apply pressure for preventing GI or esophageal hemorrhage. 

Pg 325


As a nurse, list one preventative technique you would teach parents to prevent aspiration. 

Avoid small objects (grapes, coins, candy)

Provide age-appropriate toys

Check clothing for safety hazards (loose buttons)

Pg 94


List one way to prevent poisoning in Preschoolers.

Avoid exposure to lead paint.

Keep plants out of reach.

Place safety locks on cabinets with cleaners and other chemicals.

Keep a poison control number handy or program it into the phone.

Keep medications in childproof containers out of reach.

Have a carbon monoxide detector in the home. 

Pg 103


A nurse is caring for an Orthodox Jew. The nurse realizes that this religion often has dietary guidelines. How should the nurse address their dietary needs?

Ask the client about their dietary preferences. Do not assume.

ATI page 191 & 195

In accordance with Jewish dietary law, kosher certified means meat and milk products are not mixed together, animal products from non-kosher food animals are not included (examples are pork, and shellfish) and kosher meat is from animals that are properly slaughtered to drain the blood.

(Looked up online for Kosher diet rules)


The nurse is caring for a client that does not speak English. Name two important factors in providing care to this client.

Use a facility-approved (medically trained) interpreter, speak clearly and slowly, direct the questions to the client-not the interpreter, observe the client's verbal and nonverbal behaviors, and do not interrupt the interpreter.

ATI page 193


You are administering medications via a G-Tube.  As the nurse, you know that you should flush the G-Tube with how much water before and after each medication to prevent clogging. 

15 to 30 mls between each medication

Additional important note: Flush with 30 to 60 mls of water after instilling all of the medication. 

Pg 272