Endocrine/ Cancer Drugs
Medication Administration
Respiratory/ Heart Drugs
Anticoagulants, antibiotics, and Pain
Eyes, Brain, & Stomach
If my patient is diabetic and taking a beta blocker, I need to make this adjustment in order to adequately monitor blood sugar levels
What is check sugar more frequently because beta blockers block hypoglycemic reaction?
A child receives a medication that in an adult would cause sleep, but causes insomnia instead this is known as this type of reaction
What is paradoxical?
A pregnant patient is admitted to the unit with a substantially elevated BP. The nurse expects the HCP to order
What is magnesium sulfate?
A patient about to undergo surgery is being questioned about herbal remedies. The pre-op nurse knows that this herbal drug can increase the risk of bleeding in this patient.
What is ginkgo biloba?
While reviewing the patient’s medications, the nurse notes that the patient is on an irreversible cholinesterase inhibitor. the nurse knows that these medications are used for
What is glaucoma?
My patient's daughter is concerned about getting Alzheimer's like her father. I know that genetic risk for the disease is.
What is not really been identified?
This type of medication formulation can be used for patient populations that have difficulty a taking daily drug regimen.
What is a depo shot?
A patient who recently received atropine for extreme bradycardia is now complaining of pain. the nurse knows that this class of drugs is safe to administer with atropine.
What are narcotic analgesics (opioids)
When evaluating patients for risk of allergic reactions to antimicrobials the nurse knows that these factors must be considered
What are a history of asthma, rhinitis, and previous exposure to the antibiotic?
The patient is asking how clonazepam will affect the CNS. The nurse tells the patient
What is Benzodiazepines affect the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex to cause anterograde amnesia?
This factor determines the overall dose limit of chemo drugs.
What is the amount of toxicity to noncancerous tissue?
My patient is experiencing significant pain. I have an order for an oral tablet or an IV injection. I know to give the _____ route because it is the fastest.
What is IV?
your patient is experiencing SVT. You expect to administer this med.
What is adenosine?
A patient taking a narcotic for pain has requested something for sleep. This class of drugs frequently used for sleep would be contraindicated in this case.
What are benzos?
The admitting diagnosis is neuroleptic malignant syndrome. The nurse knows that this condition can be caused by taking this category of drugs
What are antiemetics?
Your patient is asking you why the chemo is making her so sick and making her hair fall out, you know that it is because.
What is the lack of tissue specificity of cytotoxic drugs?
A patient taking hydrocodone every 8 hours post shoulder surgery complains that the pain reaches a high level of intensity before he can take the next dose. The solution to this problem requires an adjustment of this factor.
What is shorter dosing intervals?
A patient with rebound congestion from topical decongestants is being educated on how to prevent this from happening again. The nurse needs to tell the patient
What is stop the current topical decongestant, use saline spray to moisten, in the future follow directions and do not overuse. Steroids can be used, but take time to work?
A patient is admitted with dysuria, low back pain and frequency. A diagnosis of UTI is confirmed. You expect the prescriber to order this drug to treat the infection.
What is ciprofloxacin?
A patient will be discharged home on amitriptyline for depression. The nurse must include this information in the teaching plan.
What is dry mouth is a normal side effect, change position slowly, and use no other sedatives?
Your patient is post-op bowel resection due to colon cancer. You expect the patient to receive filgrastin in order to help rebuild these cells.
What are white blood cells?
A patient refuses to take a scheduled dose of Haldol, stating that "it is poison and you are trying to kill me!" Your next action should be
What is firmly redirect the patient to take the medication?
A patient with COPD is being discharged on prednisone. The patient is also diabetic. The nurse knows that these points need to be included in the discharge teaching.
What is take the pill in the morning, don't stop therapy suddenly, glucose may be elevated, and s/s of infection may be masked by the use of the drug?
Versapen 2.5 mg/kg qid (patient weighs 20.2 kg). Available: Versapen 112.5 mg/5 mL. You know to give ___________ml
What is 2.24 mL?
These are important nursing considerations when administering prokinetic agents such as Reglan (metoclopramide).
What is they treat esophagitis associated with gastric reflux, treat GERD when lifestyle changes and diet are ineffective, treat nausea associated with chemotherapy treatment, & help eliminate barium from the bowel after radiologic examination?