Isotopes are...
atoms that have the same amount of protons and electrons, but different number of neutrons
Half life is...
the amount of time it takes for radioactivity to half its original value
What does alpha decay release?
an alpha particle, consisting of two protons and two neutrons
What item in agriculture uses nuclear chemistry?
ex. pesticides
When it is an isotope, does it change element?
Different neutrons doesn't change the element.
If carbon-14 has a half-life of 5,700 years, then how much percent will it decay after 17,100 years?
Does the element change during beta decay?
What is an example of nuclear chemistry in medicine?
ex. PET scan
Number of protons, electrons, and neutrons in Carbon-14
6 protons, 8 neutrons, and 6 electrons
if an 18 inch twizzler has a half-life of 15 seconds, then how long will it be after 4 half-lives?
0.75 inches
What two materials can shield gamma rays?
Lead and Concrete
What is an example of nuclear chemistry in industry and research?
ex. Nuclear engineering
Helium-8 is stable or unstable?
How thick does the lead and concrete need to be?
1.5 ft lead and 6.5 feet concrete
If the isotope oxygen-16 is stable, is oxygen-18 also stable?