PET/CT scan: 18F - FDG
CARDIAC SCAN – First Pass Scan or Single Pass
CARDIAC SCAN: Multi Gated Acquisition Scan-MUGA
MYOCARDIAL Scan – Rest View & Stress View
random! +100point

Fill in the blanks!

Q. It will take up to (~~) days for the (~~~~) to leave your body.

two, radiotracers


Fill in the blanks!

Q1. The (~~~) is to look at your right and left (~~~) at the same time.

Q2. This may hurt a little. Please (~~~) with me.

purpose, ventricle, bear


Fill in the blanks!

Q1. We are going to see how your (~~~) ventricle (~~~).

Q2. We will inject a (~~~~~~~) twice, 20 minutes apart from each other.

left, functions, radiopharmaceutical


Fill in the blanks!

Q1. Did you discontinue taking any (~~~~) drugs for the last day or 2 days before your scan?

Q2. I will inject a radiopharmaceutical into your (~~)

Q3. I’m going to attach an (~~) to your chest and leg.

antianginal, vein, ECG


Fill in the blanks!

<MYOCARDIAL Scan – Stress View>

Q1. Please begin walking on this treadmill or pedaling on this (~~~~~~~).

Q2. I need you to increase your speed and incline (~~~).

Q3. Instead of working out, I will inject a drug called (~~~) through an IV into your body while gradually increasing your dosage in order to mimic the effects of exercising.

stationary bicycle, gradually, adenocine


?Look at the picture and guess the sentence!

hint - allergic reaction, advise

If you experience an allergic reaction such as a rash from the radiopharmaceutical, I would advise you to drink a lot of water.


Look at the picture and guess the sentence!

hint - inject, Jugular

I’m going to inject a needle into your jugular vein.


Look at the picture and guess the sentence!

hint - inject, radiopharmaceutical

We will inject a radiopharmaceutical twice, 20 minutes apart from each other.


Look at the picture and guess the sentence!

hint - leave and come back, exam

You can leave and come back 4 hours later for another exam.


Look at the picture and guess the sentence!

<PET/CT Scan: 18F – FDG>

hint - buzzing and clicking noises, normal

You will hear some buzzing and clicking noises during your scan, this is normal.


Change the wrong numbers!

Did you eat anything for the last 12 hours, except water?

Your scan will take about 40-60 minutes.

It will take up to 4 days for the radiotracers to leave your body.

Did you eat anything for the last (8) hours, except water?

Your scan will take about (20-30) minutes.

It will take up to (2) days for the radiotracers to leave your body.


Change the wrong words!

1.     This exam will take about 15 minutes.

2.     The purpose is to look at your right and left atrium the same time.

3.     I’m going to inject a needle into your jugular artery.

1.     This exam will take about (5) minutes.

2.     The purpose is to look at your right and left (ventricle) at the same time.

3.     I’m going to inject a needle into your jugular (vein).


Change the wrong words!

1.     We are going to see how your ?right ventricle functions.

2.     We will inject a radiopharmaceutical Once, 30 minutes apart from each other.

3.     We’re finished.

4.     You can get your results from your doctor.

1.     We are going to see how your (left) ventricle functions.

2.     We will inject a radiopharmaceutical (twice), (20) minutes apart from each other.

3.     We’re finished.

4.     You can get your results from your doctor.


Change the wrong numbers!

Q1. Did you discontinue taking any antianginal drugs for the last day or 3 days before your scan?

Q2. Did you eat anything or smoke in the last 16-24 hours before you scan?

Q3. Did you avoid caffeine and alcohol for the last 3 hours before your scan?

A1. Did you discontinue taking any antianginal drugs for the last day or (2) days before your scan?

A2. Did you eat anything or smoke in the last (4-12) hours before you scan?

A3. Did you avoid caffeine and alcohol for the last (6) hours before your scan?


Change the wrong word!

MYOCARDIAL Scan – Rest View

A.     I need you to lie down on your back. 

B.     I will inject a radiopharmaceutical into your vein. 

C.     Please remain still as this ordinary camera will move back and forth over your chest to record various images of your heart.

D.     You can leave and come back 2 hours later for another exam.

E.     Please refrain from smoking or drinking water during this time.

A.     I need you to lie down on your back. 

B.     I will inject a radiopharmaceutical into your vein. 

C.     Please remain still as this (special) camera will move back and forth over your chest to record various images of your heart.

D.     You can leave and come back (4) hours later for another exam.

E.     Please refrain from smoking or drinking (alcohol) during this time.


Sequence by guessing the omitted sentences!

A. We’re finished. 

B. Your scan will take about 20-30 minutes.

C. If you experience an allergic reaction such as a rash from the radiopharmaceutical, I would advise you to drink a lot of water. 

D. Did you eat anything for the last 8 hours, except water?

E. You will hear some buzzing and clicking noises during your scan, this is normal.

F. It will take up to 2 days for the radiotracers to leave your body.

D - C - B - A - E - F


Sequence the sentences!

A. The purpose is to look at your right and left ventricle at the same time.

B. This exam will take about 5 minutes.

C. This may hurt a little. Please bear with me.

D. You did great! We’re finished.

E. You can get your results from your doctor.

F.  I’m going to inject a needle into your jugular vein.

B - A - F - C - D - E


Sequence the sentences!

A. We will inject a radiopharmaceutical twice, 20 minutes apart from each other.

B. You can get your results from your doctor.

C. We’re finished.

D. We are going to see how your left ventricle functions.

D - A - C - B


Sequence by guessing the omitted sentences!

A. You can leave and come back 4 hours later for another exam.

B. I’m going to attach an ECG to your chest and leg.

C. Please refrain from smoking or drinking alcohol during this time.

D. It will take up to 2 days for the radiotracers to leave your body.

E. I need to check your blood pressure first.

F. Please remain still as this special camera will move back and forth over your chest to record various images of your heart.

F - A - C - E - B - D


Sequence by guessing the omitted sentences!

<PET/CT Scan: 18F – FDG>

A. During this exam, you may experience claustrophobia and some discomfort due to the needles involved. 

B. Drink plenty of fluids to flush out the radiopharmaceutical from your body.

C. Your scan will take about 20-30 minutes.

D. It will take up to 2 days for the radiotracers to leave your body.

E. Come out when you’re ready.

A - E - C - B - D


Translate Korean into English!

Q1. 많은 양의 수분을 섭취하여 몸에서 방사성 약품을 씻어내십시오.

Q2. 만약 당신이 방사성의약품에 의한 발진과 같은 알레르기 반응을 경험한다면, 나는 당신에게 물을 많이 마시라고 충고할 것입니다.

A1. Drink plenty of fluids to flush out the radiopharmaceutical from your body.

A2. If you experience an allergic reaction such as a rash from the radiopharmaceutical, I would advise you to drink a lot of water.


Translate Korean into English!

Q1. 목적은 너의 왼쪽과 오른쪽 심실을 동시에 보는 것이다

Q2. 나는 바늘을 너의 경정맥에 주사할 것이다.

A1. The purpose is to look at your right and left ventricle at the same time.

A2. I’m going to inject a needle into your jugular vein.


Translate Korean into English!

Q1. 우리는 당신의 좌심실이 어떻게 기능하는지 볼 것입니다.

Q2. 우리는 방사선의약품을 두번 주사할 것입니다, 각각 20분마다.

A1. We are going to see how your left ventricle functions.

A2. We will inject a radiopharmaceutical twice, 20 minutes apart from each other.


Translate Korean into English!

Q1. 당신은 검사 전 지난 6시간 동안 카페인과 술을 피했습니까?

Q2. 제가 그렇게 말하면, 검사대에 누우십시오 그리고 그러면 우리는 검사를 시작할 것입니다.

A1. Did you avoid caffeine and alcohol for the last 6 hours before your scan?

A2. When I say so, lie down on the examination table and then we will begin scanning.


Translate Korean into English!

<MYOCARDIAL Scan – Stress View>

Q1. 런닝머신을 걷거나 런닝바이크를 페달링하는 것을 시작해주십시오.

Q2. 나는 점차적으로 속도와 경사를 증가시킬 것이다.

Q3. 만약 당신이 너무 피곤하거나 가슴의 통증을 경험한다면 내가 알게 해줘라

A1. Please begin walking on this treadmill or pedaling on this stationary bicycle.

A2. I need you to increase your speed and incline gradually. 

A3. Let me know if you become too tired or experience chest pain.