Who led the rebellion against Moses and Aaron?
What did God ask Moses to collect from the leaders of the tribes of Israel?
Staffs (rods)
What type of animal was required for the purification ritual described in Numbers 19?
A red heifer
Who took over Aaron’s role as high priest after his death?
When you obey your parents, you show that you love them
How many community leaders joined Korah in his rebellion?
How many staffs were collected, including Aaron's?
Where was the red heifer to be slaughtered?
Outside the camp
What was the name of the place where Moses struck the rock?
How come the Spirit of GOD and unclean spirits /demons can live inside a human being?
The body is a temple or a dwelling place
What happened to Korah, Dathan, and Abiram?
The earth opened and swallowed them.
What was written on each staff?
The name of the tribe's leader
What was done with the ashes of the red heifer?
They were mixed with water for purification.
What did God instruct Moses to do to provide water for the people?
Speak to the rock.
List one of the 10 commandments that social media encourages us to break
Thou shalt not lie
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor (bad mind / jealous/ envy)
What happened to the 250 leaders offering incense?
Fire came out from the Lord and consumed them.
What miraculous sign occurred to confirm God’s chosen leader?
Aaron’s staff budded, blossomed, and produced almonds.
What happened if someone who was unclean did not undergo purification?
They would be cut off from the community / their people.
What did Moses do instead of following God’s command exactly?
He struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it.
Satan has 3 job descriptions, what are they?
To Kill, to Steal and to Destroy
What accusation did Korah and his followers make against Moses and Aaron?
That they were exalting themselves above the assembly.
Why did God perform the miracle of Aaron's budding staff?
To stop the Israelites from grumbling about leadership.
What was required for a person to become clean after touching a dead body?
They must be sprinkled with water mixed with the ashes of the red heifer on the third and seventh days.
What consequence did Moses and Aaron face for their actions at the rock?
They were forbidden from entering the Promised Land.
Explain how people end up in hell?
They CHOOSE their way instead of GOD's way